Now, when logging in next time: Enter your Gmail ID and Facebook password. Click “Login.” That’s all it takes to access your Facebook account using your Gmail credentials.Connecting Facebook with Google AccountYour Google account is a powerful tool for expanding your business network, ...
Let's see the login page. then logout. login via facebook or go anonymous when you login, In firebase dashboard people login with facebook or google If they login via Facebook, they will have 1 unique UID forever, same as google account. Go anonymous, people will have different account...
/// Google登录#import<GoogleSignIn/GoogleSignIn.h> 2、具体的登录代码如下 代码语言:javascript 复制 /// google登录/// - Parameters:/// - controller: controller description/// - loginSuccess: loginSuccess description/// - loginFail: loginFail descriptionfuncloginWithGoogle(_ controller:BaseViewCon...
若要使用最新版 Facebook,请切换到受支持的浏览器。 联系你我,分享生活,尽在 Facebook 登录 忘记密码? 创建新账户 为名人、品牌或公司创建公共主页。
Having a Facebook login does more than sign into the world's most popular social networking website: with apps, games, and integrated commenting system, your Facebook profile is a centralized set of credentials that can be used across many areas of the web. This tutorial helps you understand...
info.plist配置 GoogleClientID : GoogleClientID SDK内读取GoogleClientID值 #pragmamark: google login+(void)loginWithGoogle{//--//G9X_InvokeMethod_A8P[BJ7_MBProgressHUD3_C9S G9X_hideHUD_A8P];[GIDSignIn sharedInstance].delegate=[selfG9X_LoginManagerShare_C9S];[GIDSignIn sharedInstance].uiDelegate...
()">SigininwithGoogleconstclient=google.accounts.oauth2.initCodeClient({client_id:'客户端ID',ux_mode:'popup',scope:'',callback:(response)=>{console.log('google auth:',res);}})functionsignIn(){//请求code,服务端通过code拿到想要的用户信息cli...
facebook 登录 入口facebook 分享入口google sdk 入口 代码示例 facebook class LoginWithFacebookUtils(val context: Activity) { var callbackManager: CallbackManager? = null //使用fiebase进行获取需要设置 ...
androidmapgoogle-mapslocationpizzafacebook-apifacebooklogingooglemapapi UpdatedMay 11, 2017 Java 5j54d93/Quoridor-iOS-Game Star7 An iOS game develop with SwiftUI & Firebase in MVVM with so many excellent features!UI refer to STARLUX、Pokémon GO and Instagram. User could login with many social...
Description 🐜 Logging in with other providers like Google, or Line is working fine, but it's not working when logging in with Facebook using developer account. It always throws this error message expected 200 OK, got: 400 Bad Request and...