You have the option to log in using either the email address or the username or phone number linked to your Facebook account. Facebook Login By Using Web Facebook login via the web is a straightforward process that grants you access to the world’s largest social network. To get started,...
m_nsstrUserName = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:result.first_name]; // 使用FB信息登陆游戏 std::string userName = [m_nsstrUserName UTF8String]; SnsMan::getSingleton().loginWithFacebookAccountRet(m_uPlayerFBID, userName); // callback(true); } else { // callback(false); } }]; }...
Response does include Facebook Page ID. It also includespublisher_platformsfield containing Instagram or/and Facebook. But no Instagram ID or username. I find it weird, because web version of Ad Library (running under private API) shows that data.Example link ...
i wrote code witch can to login facebook and show userID and's working but i have one problem when i logined i must click Login button double to go next activity(i want when i logined automaticly should start new activity) this is a my code public void loginToFacebook(...
Whether or not if your account have a history of being hacked, it is stillhighly recommendedthat users apply for the 2 steps verification for their Facebook sign in. What it means is that, other than username and password, you’ll need toenter a codewhich will be sent to yourmobile phone...
If you want to create a new Instagram account, choose “Log In With Facebook.” After signing up, your new account is connected to your Facebook profile. You have been assigned a random password and username for your new Instagram account. You can modify it by selecting the “Log In Wit...
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore" | "PATH_TO_OPENSSL_LIBRARY\bin\openssl" sha1 -binary | "PATH_TO_OPENSSL_LIBRARY\bin\openssl" base64 此命令将针对您的开发环境生成一个包含 28 个字符的唯一密钥散列。将其复制粘贴到下面的字段中。对...
Try to log in with the last password you remember using. If it’s incorrect, click “Forgot password?” You will be redirected to the “Find your account” page. Type into the search field the email address, phone number, full name, or username associated with your Facebook account. Foll...
Please note that players will not be able to log into the game until the merging is complete. The merge will take approximately 6 hours. After the merge completes, you need to re-entering your username and password on the previous servers, you will log in World(All-027). How Players ...