Add systemd libs in manifests Nov 2, 2024 common Back out "fbcode/fboss/common/network" Oct 4, 2024 fboss Add tcvr info for the i2c log Nov 3, 2024 installer Update oss build instructions Nov 11, 2023 .buckconfig Switch shims from vendor to external cell ...
緊接著呼叫 GetLoggedInUser 來取得目前登入使用者的 ID,此處有一點需特別注意,Silverlight 先天上的設計,均採非同步模式,所以 GetLoggedInUser 這個 API 被設計成非同步呼叫的 GetLoggedInUserAsync,當呼叫完成後,傳入的 Callback 函式:GetLoggedInUserCallback 會被觸發,於此再次呼叫另一 API:GetInfo,完成後會...
AI and user-friendly Built-in Ad Blocker ⇒Get Opera One TheSomething went wrongerror message usually describes a software-related issue within the Facebook platform. So, in most situations, the issue should be automatically addressed if you have enough patience. Follow the troubleshooting steps ...
The erroruser_deniedusually points to a permission issue.Deleting the associated catalogon Facebook and creating a new catalog during the extension setup is known to resolve the issue. After deleting the associated catalog, you’ll be prompted to create a new catalog when you reinitiate the setu...
pages_user_locale pages_user_timezone If you created the app before July 26, you have until January 29, 2019 to apply the permissions. If you created your app after July 26, 2018, then you need to add these permissions as soon as possible. You can set them in the App Review for Mes...
get user profile image url; get user email (if has permissions); check if logged in; log out. Sample code: import'package:flutter_login_facebook/flutter_login_facebook.dart';// Create an instance of FacebookLoginfinalfb=FacebookLogin();// Log infinalres=awaitfb.logIn(permissions:[Faceboo...
Click on that and switch to Security And Login. There you will find a section called “Where You Have Logged In.” Just expand this section, and you will find an option at the corner stating “Logout Of All Session.” That’s all. You have successfully logged out of your account on ...
user = await client.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook, authToken); } catch (InvalidOperationException exception) { log.Info("Log in failure!"); return req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, exception); } } // Try to get all entries as a list. Return BadReques...
private void mnuSync_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lvFriends.Items) { Contact c = null; User u = (User)lvi.Tag; //lookup the user in poom ContactCollection matches = session.Contacts.Items.Restrict("[FirstName] = \"" + u.FirstName + "\" AND [...