1.logEvent: 记录一个自定义事件及其相关的参数。这是最基本的事件记录方法。 // 用法:[FBSDKAppEventslogEvent:@"EventName"];// 参数:eventName:事件名称(字符串)。 parameters(可选):事件参数(字典)。// 示例:[FBSDKAppEventslogEvent:@"Purchase"parameters:@{@"item_id":@"12345",@"value":@19.99...
If you need to manually assign a source_message_id via the web SDK and server-side separately, use the following API: mParticle.logBaseEvent({ messageType: 4, // This is the messageType for custom events. Use 3 for page views name: 'Test Event', data: {attr1: 'value1'}, // cus...
Log in to your WordPress site with the Import Facebook Events plugin installed and activated. Go to “Import Facebook Events” and then “Facebook .ics Import.” Paste the copied link into the “iCal URL” field. Choose Date Range: Select the date range from which you want to import ev...
holidays_prior_scale, changepoint_range, ) = suggest_hyperparameters(trial) mlflow.log_params(trial.params) prophet_params = { "seasonality_mode": "multiplicative", "changepoint_prior_scale": changepoint_prior_scale, "holidays_prior_scale": holidays_prior_scale, "changepoint_range": change...
logOut() // 先退出登录 loginManager.loginBehavior = .native // 优先客户端方式 loginManager.logIn(withReadPermissions: ["public_profile"], from: self) { (result, error) -> Void in guard let res = result else { return } if error != nil { print("Process error") } else if res....
functionlogin(){FB.login(function(response){console.log(response);});}Facebook登录<!--自定义登录按钮-->登录 这个网页不能直接用浏览器打开,需要部署在支持https的服务器上。 下面是登录过程的截图 登录成功之后可以看到控制台打印出了登录成功后Facebook返回的信息,有accessToken、userID等: 后端校验 前端...
version : '{api-version}' }); FB.AppEvents.logPageView(); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; ...
GraphLog API to interface with the GraphLog Dataset. GraphLog is a multi-purpose, multi-relational graph dataset built using rules grounded in first-order logic. Homepage|Paper|API Docs|Dataset News Core Generator logic of GraphLog is now released in its own repository,GLC! This repository will...
secret phrase from the My Applications page, which is accessible from the Developer application home page. Figure 4 shows the My Applications page. Your API Key and secret phrase will be shown in the blank area in the middle. You will need these to log in to Facebook from your application...
The idea behind Passport was that users just needed a single successful logon to freely navigate through all of the associated sites. Bundled with older versions of ASP.NET, the Passport API is now officially gone. The problem it was devised to solve, however, is...