aUsing Facebook to post or create spammy content is a violation of our Community Standards. If you continue to abuse Facebook's features, your account could be permanently disabled. 使用Facebook到岗位或创造spammy内容是侵害我们的公共标准。 如果您继续滥用Facebook的特点,您的帐户可能是永久地残疾。[...
aUsing Facebook to post or create spammy content is a violation of our Community Standards. If you continue to abuse Facebook's features, your account could be permanently disabled 使用Facebook到岗位或创造spammy内容是侵害我们的公共标准。 如果您继续滥用Facebook的特点,您的帐户可能是永久地残疾 [...
“Facebook regularly works with external stakeholders when developing our Community Standards to balance competing interests, such as freedom of expression, safety, and privacy,” Holland said. “Depending on the topic, we will continue to work with subject matter experts, civil society organizations,...
2. Violation of Facebook Community Standards or Terms of Service Before you write Facebook disabled account appeal emails related to terms of service violations, it’s best to get to the bottom of what these standards might be and why you have been accused of breaking them.Facebook’s Commun...
It is to be noted that if your own account got restricted byFacebookbecause of objectional content, breaching terms of service or violating community standards, you can still get your fully functional account back. You could do so by waiting it out, or by contacting Facebook’s help center...
To recover your disabled Facebook Ad Account, you have to 1. Submit your appeal through Facebook Ads Manager To begin, go into your Ads Manager account. In most cases, a warning that the account has been disabled will appear in the form of a bar colored red. To submit your appeal...
When submitting the appeal, be sure to provide a clear and concise explanation as to why your account should be reactivated. Admit any mistakes if applicable and highlight the steps you'll take to ensure compliance moving forward. How do you prevent Facebook from rejecting your ads?
community standards also emphasize that users shouldn’t misrepresent themselves on Facebook; you’re supposed to use your real name, and if you should happen to die, your relatives can have your account converted into a memorial, so nobody is making it seem like you’re posting from beyond...
and thus far removed from any real appeal option, unless the affected person—as in the case of Abdel Mahmoud Aziz—is fortunate enough to be a publicly known figure with the related opportunities of contacting the traditional press to raise public awareness about a problem, pressuring tech gian...
"We hear over and over again, people don't know how to appeal...It can be days or weeks to get any kind of person to go back and say, 'Wait a minute; did we make a mistake?'" she said. "To have one company have so much power to decide what is and is not indecent is tro...