Facebook color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex Blue Hex color: #4267B2 RGB: 66 103 178 CMYK: 87 64 0 0 Pantone: PMS 2131 C Grey Hex color: #898F9C RGB: 137 143 156 CMYK: 49 38 30 1 Pantone: PMS 423 C Black Hex color: #000000 RGB: 0 0 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 100 Pantone: PM...
Facebook logo color Facebook’s iconic blue background color (hex code #4267B2, if you’re curious) has been with the company since the beginning. According to a well-known New Yorker piece, Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind but can see all shades of blue. While a number of artic...
While 1987 was the year Chex Mix was officially packaged and sold on grocery aisles, Chex knew about (and publicized) the delicious recipe years earlier. Ralston Purina, who originally owned Chex, put an ad in Life Magazine in 1952, with ingredients for its "Chex Party Mix." 1988: Lunc...
While 1987 was the year Chex Mix was officially packaged and sold on grocery aisles, Chex knew about (and publicized) the delicious recipe years earlier. Ralston Purina, who originally owned Chex, put an ad in Life Magazine in 1952, with ingredients for its "Chex Party Mix." 1988: Lunc...
If you are on windows, make a print screen, put in paint, choose color picker and click on the color, then Edit colors. It is red 66, green 103, blue 178, or in hex #4267B2 11th Aug 2017, 3:39 AM lion + 5 fyi. not sure if this applies but it is something that one should...
If you are unable to use Facebook blue, revert to black and white. FACEBOOK BLUE COLOR VALUES CMYK Coated: 83 / 52 / 00 / 00 CMYK Uncoated: 77 / 36 / 00 / 00 PMS 2727C PMS 2382U Hex #1877F2 R = 24 G = 119 B = 242 Text The preferred labels are either "Continue with ...
Caribbean blue facebook like icon Need this icon in another color ? Change the color from the Custom Hex color form on the right ! 3.94 out of 5 +307K +2.8M Tags: like icons social icons facebook like icons facebook icons Don't hotlink to this icon. Download and host it on your ...
Navy blue facebook like 4 icon Need this icon in another color ? Change the color from the Custom Hex color form on the right ! 4.30 out of 5 +134K +321K Tags: like icons social icons facebook icons facebook like icons Don't hotlink to this icon. Download and host it on your ow...
Add Facebook blue background color (custom hex color #3c5a99) to row 3 and column B, then make them both narrow to create a border effect. Make column A narrow to leave some whitespace at the side Merge cellsD2:D4(How to merge cells in Google Sheets) and add the Facebook logo ...
(2) Secondary Color Palette Ensō Blue PMS: 290 U HEX: #A2D3E8 CMYK: 33/2/0/0 Sandstone Light HEX: #F6F3EF CMYK: 6/12/20/0 Living Coral PMS: 172 U HEX: #FC6558 CMYK: 0/72/96/0 In the case of any conflict between the English language version and translations in other langu...