If the other above mentioned methods don’t work for you and if the hackers have changed your email and phone number, you can even go to this link to report the incident to Facebook. And after proper verification, Facebook will again let you access your account. But the only drawback o...
If, after your Facebook account was hacked and the password changed, check your email inbox to see if Facebook has sent you a message about a possible password change. If this is the case, you can change your password again via a link found in this mail. You mayno longer have access ...
I just got hacked and the email was changes with my password, i tried every thing and still not able to login to my account !! What can I do ???!!! kukumama says: September 4, 2012 at 4:57 pm hey my facebook email n pass have been hack n changed? how i can get back?
Someone hacked my account changed my email address and deactivated it. I am soo stressed, dont know what to do, nothing seems to work. My account also has been hacked…with the hacker changing my email addy to theirs…and changed the password. If i try and login under the hackers name....
Ten years ago, it was almost impossible to spy on someone’s phone. Spy apps were too expensive, and they were quite difficult to install and to use. But the situation has changed dramatically recently. Now modernmobile phone spy appsare affordable, easy to use. There are also many free ...
Once the password has been changed either log out just by clicking onto the three vertical dots available on the panel. Remove suspicious applications- Not always strangers hack accounts sometimes malicious Facebook applications can subsequently hijack someone’s account. Just go to the setting option...
If you’re unable to get into your Facebook account, hackers may have already changed your account’s email or phone number. At this point, you’re essentially locked out and it will be much more cumbersome to recover your account. Even though Facebook’s official account recovery process ...
Facebook layout changed. Slow loading and/or incomplete, Will not accept typing. Only pictures and incomprehensible symboles. Everything slow. Everything different . Utterly hopeless. Change for change sake. Have not the patience to mess with it, and I should not have to. Bye bye FB Spam...
Today Facebook has changed beyond recognition. Marketing has become harder, new features have appeared and disappeared and competition your target market’s attention has become much more intense. But it doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel with your Facebook business page. I’m going to...
In another scenario, the hacker/attacker creates a website with the intention of getting victim’s password, so when the victim registers his/her account using email and creates a password, those details will get stored in the database of the hacker/attacker. Thus hacker gets access to victim...