Bravo, Facebook. Social VR is now officially something I want in Facebook. You made me want it, damn you. Ever since Facebook bought Oculus VR for$2 billion in 2014, Mark Zuckerberg has made clear his intention to merge social networking with virtual reality. While it made intuitive sense...
"', login_page, 'lgnrnd') login_form = { 'email': useremail, 'pass': password, 'lsd': lsd, 'lgnrnd': lgnrnd, 'next': '', 'default_persistent': '0', 'legacy_return': '1', 'timezone': '-60', 'trynum': '1', } req...
Bravo, Karina GarcíaDocente de la Carrera de Comunicación y Publicidad de la Facultad de Comunicaciones Universidad Peruana de Ciencias AplicadasArbaiza, FranciscoDocente Investigador de la Carrera de Comunicación y Publicidad de la Facultad de Comunicaciones Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas...
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Schechter, S., & Bravo-Lillo, C. (2014). Using ethical-response surveys to identify sources of disapproval and concern with Facebook's emotional contagion experiment and other con- troversial studies (Microsoft Research Working Paper). Retrieved from: