my id account is hacked and changed its fb password and what can i do? please help me…. cant get back to my fb acc says: February 22, 2014 at 9:17 am Chana chaxa bela says: January 31, 2014 at 2:57 am I AM BELA i want to give thanks and i will always ...
How to recover your Facebook account when the email address was changed when they hacked it iPhone 13 Pro Max Posted on Oct 3, 2022 3:46 PM Me too Reply Similar questions My Facebook was hacked My Facebook was hacked and I cannot get back in and they change the password and email it...
We hope now you have a clear understanding of how to recover hacked Facebook account and prevent it from getting hacked again. Most of the time, you can get your account back using the“forgotten password?”feature. But if the hacker has already changed your phone number or email address, ...
If, after your Facebook account was hacked and the password changed, check your email inbox to see if Facebook has sent you a message about a possible password change. If this is the case, you can change your password again via a link found in this mail. You mayno longer have access ...
Someone hacked my account changed my email address and deactivated it. I am soo stressed, dont know what to do, nothing seems to work. My account also has been hacked…with the hacker changing my email addy to theirs…and changed the password. If i try and login under the hackers name....
Note the Russian hacker never changed the password nor the email. It just deleted my phone number and it has been using the account almost everyday, logging in from supposedly "Samsung" and "Windows PC" devices from a supposed city identified as Perm, Russia. Is there...
I was on facebook and it was hacked. I notified facebook and deleted all remembered passwords in the system and ran anti-virus. Ever since then I've been unable to log onto facebook. Is this a problem with firefox or with face book itself? When I try to login using firefox I get ...
Until I read all the other people having issues I thought I had been hacked or something. Spam or obscene language? Report it! victoria • 364 days ago # + 0 - cant log in .. changed passwords on all other accounts just to be sure... whats going on? Spam or obscene language...
Change your password–You will be lucky if the hacker hasn’t changed the password. This is the right time to update your account password and logged out so as to leave the hacker without giving any hint. Scroll to login option and hit onto the change password under setting and security ...
How To Recover a Hacked Facebook Account That You’ve Been Locked Out Of If you’re unable to get into your Facebook account, hackers may have already changed your account’s email or phone number. At this point, you’re essentially locked out and it will be much more cumbersome to rec...