It’s not clear whether the outage is connected to any preparations Meta might be carrying out for the DMA. In 2021, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp were down for hours, an outage the company said was a result of faulty changes on routers that coordinate network traffic between its data ...
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp platforms were hit by a massive outage Monday, impacting potentially tens of millions of users. Tracker Downdetector was showing outages in heavily populated areas including Washington and Paris, with problems being reported from around 3:45 ...
Instagram = Down 🔴 WhatsApp = Down 🔴 — DogeDesigner (@cb_doge)April 3, 2024 Meta didn’t immediately respond to questions emailed on Wednesday, but the official X account for WhatsApptweeted, “We know some people are experiencing issues right now, we’re...
Facebook, in a statement to CNBC, said the outage was due to an issue in one of its central software systems. The company is now monitoring for a full recovery, it said. "Earlier today, an issue in one of our central software systems caused many people to have trouble accessing Faceboo...
As an alternative, some people took to Twitter to share their experience, making #facebookdown and #instagramdown trending topics on Twitter. However, the outages didn't seem to affect many people, and a majority number of them even said they enjoy a social-media-free weekend, according to...
Jake Williams, chief technical officer of the cybersecurity firm BreachQuest, said that while foul play cannot be completely ruled out, chances were good that the outage is “an operational issue” caused by human error. “What it boils down to: running a LARGE, even by internet standards,...
It gets worse though still. When Facebook went down, Cloudflare noted that queries for other platforms like Twitter, Signal, Telegram, and TikTok went up. Twitter began to struggle under the load as well, and for a brief few minutes,many thoughtthat it would go down too. ...
Jake Williams, chief technical officer of the cybersecurity firm BreachQuest, said that while foul play cannot be completely ruled out, chances were good that the outage is “an operational issue” caused by human error. “What it boils down to: running a LARGE, even by internet standards, ...