Delivered every Monday by 10 a.m., Weekly Cybersecurity examines the latest news in cybersecurity policy and politics. By signing up, you acknowledge and agree to ourPrivacy PolicyandTerms of Service. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the directions at the bottom of the email ...
“today’s disclosure is a reminder about the dangers posed when a small number of companies like facebook or the credit bureau equifax are able to accumulate so much personal data about individual americans without adequate security measures,” warner said in a statement. “this is another ...
PDT: Nicole Perlroth, a cybersecurity reporter with the New York Times, obtained a statement about the lawsuit from the NSO Group. "In the strongest possible terms, we dispute today's allegations and will vigorously fight them," read the statement in part. "We consider any other use of ...
[42]Between 2006 and 2010,Bryan Weisbardwas a CIA intelligence officer, his job entailing, in his own words, leading “global teams to conduct counter-terrorism and digital cyber investigations,” and “Identif[ying] onlinesocial mediamisinformationpropaganda andcovert influence campaigns”. As of ...
to sex or to using pornography. there are few protections against them seeing it, and some people take the attitude that it’s inevitable and benign. i think a lot of people who make this argument don’t realize what porn today really looks like in terms of how the women are treated....
Here at Hackaday we love thegoodkinds of hacks, but now and then we need to bring up a less good kind. Today it was learned that theNPM packageua-parser-jswas compromised, and any software using it as a library may have become victim of a supply chain attack. What isua-parser-jsan...
or kid may share personal photos and allowcyber bullies to attack and encounterthem. The personal message option, INBOX, on Facebook, is typically designed to talk privately. What happens here is unknown to anyone but the two; who communicate. Dig out and find what wonders the kids have bee...
What caused it? While Facebook's management was apologetic, they gave no hint as to what caused the outage. With hacking issues becoming all too common in today's cyber-security threat environment, the question arises whether Facebook's outage might have been the result of a successful hack...
"Facebook can't do anything about it," Luan explained to me. "What can you do about it?" UPDATE: Oct. 29, 2021, 3:34 p.m. EDTThis post has been updated with a statement from Facebook. TopicsCybersecurityFacebookSocial Media
Several users also started panicking as they thought that they were hacked or under some form of cyberattack. However, users calmed down when they got to know that the apps were suffering an outage and they had not been hacked.Courtesy: India Today...