Facebook照片尺寸2021最重大的變化是 Facebook Cover照片,其寬度從851像素減少到820。當您使圖像高出建議的820x312像素時,Facebook會裁剪頂部和底部以獲得最佳效果。 這是推薦的Facebook圖片Dimensions備忘單。 Facebook Cover照片大小 新的時間軸封面照片測量 820x312 台式機像素,移動設備640x360像素,個人資料851x315...
Facebook Cover Image Template: Design tips Your Facebook page’s profile image overlaps slightly with the bottom-left corner of the cover image, so try to avoid design repetition or harsh color-scheme clashes. Aim to create visual synergy with these two images. One thing to bear in mind whe...
Ideal Facebook page cover image dimensions:820×360 pixels Display on desktop:820×312 pixels Display on mobile:640×360 pixels Sweet Spot:640×312 pixels Facebook Page Profile Photo Once again, this is complicated. Facebook recommends a square image that will display at 170×170 pixels on des...
Optimize your Facebook Cover Photos! Don’t forget to visit these other articles for more FREE cover photo templates: Facebook Profile Cover Photo size Facebook Group Cover Photo size Facebook Event Cover Photo size ForallFacebook dimensions, including ads, check out: ALLFacebook image dimensions...
Need all the latest Facebook image dimensions? All sizes here are updated and verified correct for 2024. With infographics! This is the Ultimate Guide! I’ll coverallthe Facebook image sizes you could ever need for your Business Page:
As of 2025, the ideal size for a Facebook cover photo is 820 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. By using an image with these exact dimensions, you can avoid cropping issues. This size ensures that your cover photo will display correctly on both desktop and mobile devices without any portions...
Link post image size1200 x 628 px (1.91:1) Ad size1080 x 1080 px (1:1) Story1080 x 1920 px (9:16) Facebook Cover Templates Facebook profile photo size The profile photo is the very first visual you will upload after you create your Facebook account. For this, you need to choose...
You see, it’s not as simple as just uploading an image in the exact display dimensions. The group cover photo requires you to have a cropped area and adjust the image vertically in the viewable zone. Why? Nobody knows. But here’s the details you need to know. ...
Event Image: 1920x1005 pixels Having an image to accompany your Facebook Event will help gain your audiences' attention. Reminders are sent to audiences who show interest in your event so make sure that you have the right image for the Facebook Event cover photo. Dimensions for Event...
Check out ALL the optimalFacebook image dimensionshere! The group cover photo dimensions have been verified to work in 2025. But things change! If you’re having problems, leavespecificsin your comment. I can’t help if you simply say,My Facebook group cover photo is too large. ...