Maximum image size: 600 x 600 pixels for images; 120 x 120 pixels for videos, which can be up to 240 minutes long Resolution: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels; no maximum resolution Image ratio: 1.9:1 to 1:1 Facebook carousel ad character limit Headline: 40 characters Primary text...
Some of the sameFacebook adsize guidelines apply for carousel ads and right column ads. You can also add up to 10 visual assets, but Facebook will only display the first one for right column ads. There are some differences from Facebook carousel ads, though. The image aspect ratio on yo...
3. Facebook Carousel Ad Specs Withcarousel ads, you can show two or more pictures or videos in the same ad. This format allows advertisers to add individual texts, URL, and call to action for each image/video. You can even tell a story using multiple images. No wondercarousel ads are ...
我们通常会使用日常预算,一旦达到该限制,我们的活动将停止交付。 Carousel- 轮播允许我们在同一广告中显示两个或更多可滚动的图像或视频,并能将每个链接到不同的URL。 Catalog Custom Audiences- 如果我们使用产品目录,我们可以根据人们与我们的产品的互动创建可用于Adset中的目标和排除的受众。 Click Attribution- 点击...
Minimum Image Size: 600 x 600 Recommended Facebook Carousel Image Size: At least 1080 x 1080. No maximum size restrictions Carousel Image Ad Card Limits: Minimum 2 cards and max of 10 cards per Carousel Ad Recommended Carousel Image Ad Aspect Ratio: From 1:1 to 1.91:1 ...
Facebook Carousel Ad Image Sizes Carousel ads on Facebook are useful to showcase products and collections, and they can include a purchase link. You can include up to 10 images. 600x600 px maximum size 120x120 px for videos Resolution should be at least 1080x1080 Facebook Video Ad (In-...
Facebook Carousel video ad specs Recommended resolution:1080 x 1080 pixels Video formats:.MP4 or .MOV Max video size:4GB per video Max video length:240 minutes Minimum 2 cardsand max of 10 cards per Carousel Ad Text:125 characters Headline:40 characters ...
轮播广告 Messenger Stories 动态位于 Facebook 首页中央,会持续显示状态、照片、视频等内容更新。动态会显示来自好友、公共主页、小组和广告主的更新及帖子。 您可以在动态中使用视频格式,以全新方式展示您的商品、服务或品牌。要快速吸引注意力,可以使用动态效果和声音来展示商品特色或讲述品牌故事。
我们正逐步在广告管理工具中推出一组全新的广告目标,总共有 6 个,分别为知名度、流量、互动量、潜在客户、应用推广和销量。 详细了解 简介 图片广告 视频广告 轮播广告 精品栏广告 轮播广告 Audience Network 激励视频 动态位于 Facebook 首页中央,会持续显示状态、照片、视频等内容更新。动态会显示来自好友...
Carousel ad images maintain a 1:1 ratio. Facebook allows you to upload images with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 but clarifies that areas of the image will be masked to accommodate the display ratio. Carousel Image Ad Text Coverage If more than 20% of your image is covered in text, it is...