如,美国电子烟品牌:Juul, Vuse, blu, Logic, NJOY;一般交易的关键词:产品+buy sell trade, 产品+swap/exchange, marketplace, retail, sale。想要FB获客引流效果好,除了运营技巧,适宜的工具也很重要。群发猫社媒版Facebook,一款开发了6年多的产品,基于FB生态自主研发的自动化智能营销工具,多账号批量化操作...
Start Your Group:From your page view, click on “Groups” in the left menu, then choose “Create New Group.” Customize Your Group:Fill in the essential details like your group’s name, privacy settings, and description, then click “Create” to establish your group. Promote Your Group:Uti...
If you freqent the Facebook buy/sell/trade groups that I’ve previously suggested in other articles, you’ve probably seen those groups use TCG low as a pricing metric, plus or minus a percentage. There’s no reason for grinders and players to buy cards from each other at full retail w...
根据类似产品定位的关键词:Puzzle, Jigsaw, Lego; 一般交易的关键词:产品+buy sell trade, 产品+swap/exchange, marketplace, retail, sale。 二、以电子烟为例: 产品本身关键词:通过Google搜索已知关键词如:e-cigarettes 在相关介绍文章内得到一些该产品的其他相关称呼如:vape/vaping/vapor/e-cigs/e-hookahs/mo...
·一般交易的关键词:产品+buy sell trade, 产品+swap/exchange, marketplace, retail, sale。 二、以电子烟为例: ·产品本身关键词:通过Google搜索已知关键词如:e-cigarettes 在相关介绍文章内得到一些该产品的其他相关称呼如:vape/vaping/vapor/e-cigs/e-hookahs/mods/vape pens/vapes/tank systems//ENDS; ...
一般交易的关键词:产品+buy sell trade, 产品+swap/exchange, marketplace, retail, sale。 二、以电子烟为例: 产品本身关键词:通过Google搜索已知关键词如:e-cigarettes 在相关介绍文章内得到一些该产品的其他相关称呼如:vape/vaping/vapor/e-cigs/e-hookahs/mods/vape pens/vapes/tank systems//ENDS; ...
This question is obvious to many people who're aiming to promote or sell something through social media nets, but not so many of them know the answer to this question – yes, you have to work on your social media progress, but why is it so important? Meanwhile the answer is obvious as...
For the second time in a row this week, someone showed up at my door asking about a $900 shed they arranged to pick up. But here's the thing. We don't have a shed and I'm not even part of the private Facebook group: Glenrock Buy Sell Trade (I have a hunc
For the second time in a row this week, someone showed up at my door asking about a $900 shed they arranged to pick up. But here's the thing. We don't have a shed and I'm not even part of the private Facebook group: Glenrock Buy Sell Trade (I have a hunc
I bought and sold FB shares as a TRADE, not an investment. I lost money. When the stock didn’t bounce as I thought/hoped it would, I realized I was wrong and got out. It wasn’t the fault of the FB CFO that I lost money. It was my fault. I know that no one sells me sha...