3.Facebook个人账号:Personal Profile(个人主页) 4.Facebook粉丝页:Business page(商业主页) 【3】开户注意事项 (1)一个账号只能推一个网站,一个网站可以多开账户,建议多开几个账号以便备用 (2)账户时选择时区建议选择广告投放当地时区,例如美国那就开美国时区,欧洲就选欧洲时区 (3)个人和主页评分需要经常活跃,...
Facebook 是一个联系朋友的社交工具。大家可以通过它和朋友、同事、同学以及周围的人保持互动交流,分享无限上传的图片,发布链接和视频,更可以增进对朋友的 ...
Once published, your page will be publicly visible. 6. Know Facebook’s rules Your personal Facebook account can be an admin on multiple Facebook pages. You can access all the pages using the Facebook Business Manager view on your personal page. However, each Facebook business page can ...
As Facebook has grown, so has its number of features. We’ve created this guide to show you exactly how to set up your Facebook Business Page like a pro.
Facebook Page / Fan Page 专页是专门为生意、组织、企业或名人而设的。如果我们做网上买卖或开网店,那么我们一定要有 Facebook Fan Page 了。我们可以通过这个专页推广官方资讯、进行沟通及互动。这里有教程教导如何设立此专页。 Facebook 个人帐户代表独立用户,以个人名义持有。专页并非个人帐户,基本上只是网站上不...
A Facebook business page is a public social media profile designed for commercial organizations. Like a personal Facebook account, Facebook businesses pages allow you to make connections online. Brands use their Facebook pages to promote products and services through links, status updates, photos an...
First, let's look at how to set up a Facebook business page from your personal profile. This workflow is best if you don't want to use Business Manager or Business Suite to manage your page. You can always move the page to Business Manager later if your needs change. ...
1、创建商业页面 Business Page (1)商业页面与个人页面(Personal Profile)的区别 a商业页面更加专业化,有独立的地址,给用户更专业的形象 b可以查看数据详情,及时了解页面粉丝情况 c可以投放广告,更快地推广页面、产品 备注:个人页面过多的打产品信息,会被Facebook要求转化为商业页面 ...
To create a Facebook Business Page, log in with your personal Facebook account and go tohttps://www.facebook.com/pages/creation/ Once there, see two options: Business or Brand and Community, or Public Figure. Click Get Started under Business or Brand. ...
Our guide to generating clicks on your Facebook business page. Compete with ideas for content that inspires user engagement, specs for image and video posts, sizes and dimensions for different post types and examples from brands that are successfully dri