3. 添加完信用卡付款信息之后,再点击左侧“Ad Accounts”添加广告账户。点击Ads Account界面的 “+ Add”,然后选择 “Create A New Ad Account”。 4. 填写广告账户名字和选择刚才你保存的付款方式,之后点击“Next”,然后选择“My business”,点击“Create”。 5. 然后选择自己的账户名字,并且在右侧开启全部权限,...
设置Business Manager的第一步就是创建一个账号,你需要有Facebook 个人主页才能创建Business Manager帐户,但是如上所述,你的同事和合作伙伴无法访问该帐户中的个人信息。 1、转到https://business.facebook.com,点击右上角蓝色的“Create Account”(创建账户)按钮; 2、输入企业名称、姓名以及用于管理Facebook Business ...
在Business Manager仪表盘中,点击“Add Ad Account”,然后输入广告账户ID( 可在Ads Manager中找到); ·如果你还没有Facebook广告账户,请按照以下步骤进行设置: 在Business Manager仪表盘中,点击“Add Ad Account”,然后单击“Create Account”。 2、输入你的账户详细信息,然后点击“Next”; 3、表明该广告账户是用于...
Facebook商务管理平台的创建 进入https://business.facebook.com, 点击 Log In或Create Account(具备Facebook个人账号才能创建商务管理平台) 弹出Create Your Business Manager Account的窗口,输入你想创建的BM的名称,填写你的资料信息,点击next 即可进入到刚刚创建的BM。默认创建 BM 的个人账号为该 BM 管理员。(建议...
Are you a business owner and want to leverage Facebook’s social media business features or perhaps create a Facebook ad account to enhance your marketing efforts? Well, you’re not alone. In this article, we will attempt to answer some of the most frequently asked questions by you and ...
in China. One of the best ways of doing this is by using WeChat Official Account for Business...
1.首先,转到Facebook Business Manager主页。 2.接下来,创建Facebook Business帐户。 3.点击右上角的“Create Account创建账户”。在弹出窗口中,输入Shopify独立站卖家的企业名称和其他信息。 4.点击提交后,Facebook会将卖家带到Facebook Business Suite页面。从这里,卖家可以创建一个广告帐户,管理它,并处理其他企业相...
1、个人广告账户(Personal Ad Account):适用于个人用户,可以创建和管理广告活动,但无法与其他用户共享。 2、商业广告账户(Business Manager Ad Account):适用于商业用户,可以创建和管理广告活动,并且可以与其他用户共享。 3、代理商广告账户(Agency Ad Account):适用于广告代理商,可以代表多个客户创建和管理广告活动。
In your Facebook business account - you’ll be able to monitor your ads reporting statistics that andanalyze your campaign results to learn more about your audience, your product sales, your campaign's reach and much more, such as:
1. Create a Facebook Ads Manager account To use Facebook Ads Manager, you need to set up a Facebook business page if you don't already have one. Note that you can't run Facebook ads through a personal account. After you navigate to the Facebook Ads Manager, follow the steps below:...