How much does it cost to get Facebook Blueprint certified? Each Facebook Blueprint Certification exam costs between $99 to $150 USD depending on the level of the certification. Improve ad performance in 3 minutes Connect your ad accounts, apply recommended actions, automate ad management, and ...
Facebook Blueprint certification showcases your proficiency level within the platform. If you want to be Blueprint certified, Facebook has curated advanced-level exams. At the time of this post, the exams cost up to$150 USD per exam. Facebook expanded the Blueprint certifications into nine Pe...
Each Facebook Blueprint certification exam tests a different Facebook advertising skill. You should choose the exam that most closely fits your career level and the specific skill set you want to master. For example, the associate exam (100-101) is perfect for those just starting with Facebook...
These include ensuring AI and data governance, standardizing processes and protocols, automating processes such as data quality control to remove errors introduced through manual work, and testing the validity of m...