Facebook color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex Blue Hex color: #4267B2 RGB: 66 103 178 CMYK: 87 64 0 0 Pantone: PMS 2131 C Grey Hex color: #898F9C RGB: 137 143 156 CMYK: 49 38 30 1 Pantone: PMS 423 C Black Hex color: #000000 RGB: 0 0 0 CMYK: 0 0 0 100 Pantone: PM...
Facebook logo color Facebook’s iconic blue background color (hex code #4267B2, if you’re curious) has been with the company since the beginning. According to a well-known New Yorker piece, Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind but can see all shades of blue. While a number of artic...
- Have positive opinion of: 45% - Have heard of: 77% For nearly nine decades, Big Boy—originally Bob's Pantry when it opened in Glendale, California, in 1936—has been serving up its eponymous double-decker burgers that set the blueprint for similar sandwiches to come, like McDonald's...
- Have positive opinion of: 45% - Have heard of: 77% For nearly nine decades, Big Boy—originally Bob's Pantry when it opened in Glendale, California, in 1936—has been serving up its eponymous double-decker burgers that set the blueprint for similar sandwiches to come, like McDonald's...
If you are on windows, make a print screen, put in paint, choose color picker and click on the color, then Edit colors. It is red 66, green 103, blue 178, or in hex #4267B2 11th Aug 2017, 3:39 AM lion + 5 fyi. not sure if this applies but it is something that one should...
Caribbean blue facebook like icon Need this icon in another color ? Change the color from the Custom Hex color form on the right ! 3.94 out of 5 +307K +2.8M Tags: like icons social icons facebook like icons facebook icons Don't hotlink to this icon. Download and host it on your ...
Navy blue facebook like 4 icon Need this icon in another color ? Change the color from the Custom Hex color form on the right ! 4.30 out of 5 +134K +321K Tags: like icons social icons facebook icons facebook like icons Don't hotlink to this icon. Download and host it on your ow...
(2) Secondary Color Palette Ensō Blue PMS: 290 U HEX: #A2D3E8 CMYK: 33/2/0/0 Sandstone Light HEX: #F6F3EF CMYK: 6/12/20/0 Living Coral PMS: 172 U HEX: #FC6558 CMYK: 0/72/96/0 In the case of any conflict between the English language version and translations in other langu...
Add Facebook blue background color (custom hex color #3c5a99) to row 3 and column B, then make them both narrow to create a border effect. Make column A narrow to leave some whitespace at the side Merge cellsD2:D4(How to merge cells in Google Sheets) and add the Facebook logo ...
#FBPBUTT {color:blue !important} Or for an alternative colour, that blends in with Facebook's colour scheme a bit more, try replacing "blue" with #D8DFEA (which is a light grey) or you can use any CSS or HTML colour code you prefer. Change the background colour of the F.B. ...