2.导航至支持中心:在帮助中心页面,浏览页面内容直到找到“支持中心”或类似“Get Support”、“Contact Us”的链接,点击进入。 3.申诉入口:在支持中心页面,搜索框中尝试输入“申诉被禁用的广告账户”或直接在页面中寻找关于“Disabled Ads Account”或“Appeal Disabled Account”的链接并点击进入。 4.填写申诉表格:在...
帮助中心http://www.facebook.com/help。 输入My personal Facebook account is disabled。 2. 提起上诉 点击箭头指的Submit an appeal 点击Submit an appeal后,填写资料 1. 你注册时候的邮箱或者手机号 2. 你账户名字 Facebook要求注册信息真实, 别用什么王二狗,李大妞,就写你真名,李雷,韩梅梅。 3. ID文件(...
Yes, there is a chance to recover a disabled Facebook account. You’ll need to submit an appeal through Facebook’s “Help Center”. Provide as much information as possible to support your appeal. The outcome will depend on the reason for the disabling and the result of Facebook’s revie...
如何解除Facebook的封锁 2链接地址:http://t.cn/RUkRFCq我们就直接来说解决方法吧:第一步打开链接http://facebook.com/help/185747581553788/第二步点击 My Account's Disabled 如下图所示: 展开之后再次点击submit an appeal如下图所示: 第三步依次填入以下必要信息:Login email address or mobile phone number...
The Facebook Appeal Process When an account is disabled, they’ll give you the option to appeal. When you click on the disabled account button, Facebook will show this message: “Unfortunately, your Ads account has been disabled. you can’t use it to run ads.” ...
info@facebook.com warning@facebook.comlogin@facebook.comdisabled@facebook.com privacy@facebook.comsupport@facebook.comappeals@facebook.com Facebook申述信模板:[你的姓名] [你的Facebook账号邮箱或用户名] [日期]To: Facebook Support Team Subject: Appeal for Account Suspension Dear Facebook Support ...
你可以直接给Facebook管理员写申诉信,把你的问题告诉facebook,有很多都是人工处理,优先级别会很高,运气好的最快当天就能够解封。写申诉信有个小技巧就是引用facebook本身的社区守则,把你违反的守则复制粘贴上去!(下面会给大家附上申诉信末模板。) →点击观看视屏教程 ...
3. Review and Appeal Disabled Account To review and appeal a disabled Facebook account, follow these steps: Visit theFacebookHelp Center and go to the “My Personal Account Was Disabled” page. Click on the “Submit an Appeal” button. ...
✔️ BONUS 2: Disabled Ad Account Pre-Appeal Checklist - $197.00 value ✔️ BONUS 3: Facebook Disabled Accounts Appeal Scripts - $497.00 value ✔️ BONUS 4: Complete List Of Words To Block In Comments - $197.00 value ✔️ BONUS 5: How To Get Lifetime PROTECTION and Run Fb...
Please take our appeal into consideration.Kind regards,xxx(名字)关于Facebook被封号的其他小建议:1. 定期经营一下个人主页 Facebook账号毕竟是关于你个人的,不要为了打广告随便注册一个账号,资料随便填,除了打广告从来不登陆,让谁看了都觉得这个人不靠谱。尽量做到主页内容真实。虽说Facebook是允许特殊方法登陆...