先前数以千万计的用户数据在此平台上被泄漏,让它陷入硅谷集体删除 Facebook 账号的漩涡之中。如今它新推出的面部识别技术又被诸多人批判,大家认为Facebook推广面部识别技术主要是出于盈利考虑。本文编译自纽约时报上原文名为《FACEBOOK’S PUSH FOR FACIAL RECOGNITION PROMPTS PRIVACY ALARMS》的文章。 今年,当Facebook...
Could Humans Ever Turn Into Crabs? Sometimes, Evolution Gets It Right the First Time How to Build an Electric Guitar How China Copied America’s Deadliest Helicopter How to Make Dry Ice Black Holes Could Be Back Doors to Other Universes
Facebook and Facial Recognition Technology: An Indexed Catalog of Our Digital IdentitiesImagine idly sitting in a coffee shop, minding your own business. You see the flash of a camera but think nothing of it. Later that night you notice a new friend request on Facebook. In a rush, you ...
https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-will-find-your-face-even-when-its-not-tagged/ Facial recognition technology is everywhere. It may not be legal. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2015/06/11/facial-recognition-technology-is-everywhere-it-may-not-be-legal/?utm_term=.637...
名为“Systems And Methods For Swapping Faces And Face Components Based On Facial Recognition(基于面部识别的面容和面部元素更换系统和方法)”的专利申请最初于2017年12月提交,并在日前正式由美国专利商标局公布。 电科技(www.diankeji.com)是一家专注于全球TMT行业的领先资讯媒体。
Facebook ends facial recognition in EuropeFacebook has been forced to withdraw its controversial facial recognition technology from use in Europe, after pressure from privacy campaigners and regulators. In its latest audit of the social network's privacy practices, the Irish Data ProtectionFrancisco...
佩森蒂指出,删除Facebook的面部识别系统将给用户带来一些变化,包括该平台将不再自动识别人们的脸是否出现在照片或视频中。 前瞻经济学人APP资讯组 参考资料:https://abcnews.go.com/Business/facebook-shut-facial-recognition-system/story?id=80927536
boxes. Already, according to the Pew Research Centre, a thinktank, a majority of Americans say they distrust social-media firms. Mr Zuckerberg and his industry need to change, fast. 新闻曝光之后,投资者惊慌不已,脸书股价蒸发9%。把数据移交给科技巨头就像暗箱操作一样充满风险,等消费者意识到这一点...
“Me 10 years ago: probably would have played along with the profile picture aging meme going around on Facebook and Instagram,” she wrote in a tweet last week. “Me now: ponders how all this data could be mined to train facial recognition algorithms on age progression and age recognitio...
参考链接:https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-facebook-face-recognition-delete.html https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/facebook-is-shutting-down-its-facial-recognition-system/?ftag=CAD090e536&bhid=25087697547797014806448076568157&mid=13571396&cid=534770090 ...