AdLibrary Helper More powerful and easier tool, compared with Facebook Ad library Find or compare any Ads in 1 step Search any related business pages in 1 step Save Ads on local at any time and manage your own library Important Note: ... 这个链接,将粉丝页的ID加到链接最后面,即可看到该粉丝页的所有广告。Facebook采用Ajax来展示和加载数据,因此需要不断将页面滚动到最下面来获取更多数据。 素材参考: 想不到素材方向怎么办呢?素材spy工具来了。 读书人的事,能算偷么?给大家找了几个供素材参考的网站,部分网站需要付费,价格各异,大家酌情参考:官方免费) htt...
I'm using official Facebbok API for getting ads with/ads_archiveendpoint. Example request: curl -G \ -d "search_terms='oil'" \ -d "ad_reached_countries=['US']" \ -d "fields=id,ad_creation_time,ad_creative_bodies,ad_creative_link_captions,ad_creative_link_descriptions,ad...
Navigate to the Meta Ad Library and enter a specific keyword, brand or a topic in the search bar. You can also filter results by date, language, country or ad category. By using advanced search options, you can uncover ads related to political advertising, ads about social issues or even...
2Why and when should you use the Meta Ad Library? 3How to use the Meta Ad Library Do a keyword search → Click Here to Launch Your Online Business with Shopify Scope your competitors Filter ads for more targeted searches Drill down into social issues, elections, and politics Find out how...
ads that are labeled as "Political Advertising" which include political issues and advocacy content. Use Domo's Facebook Ad Library connector to get the data about the archived ads. To learn more about the Facebook Ad Library API, visit their page (
Whether you are running Facebook ads, or just need content inspiration, the Facebook Ad Library tool is a really useful way to see what your competition is up
See ads now Instructions toSpy top 1%of E-commerce ads. 1. Find your niche First, select your niche below so you filter for the top companies currently running ads on your market. 2. See the ads Next, click on any card below to open the Facebook Ad Library of that company - you'...
15 This is a tool provided to advertisers to manage functionality related to advertising and managing ads placed through Facebook. The particular method used was the “Ad Account Delivery Estimate” which returns a range of information, including an estimate of “monthly active users” (MAU) on ...