帐户ID:您的Facebook Ad Account ID。 您可以在您的Facebook Ads Manager帐户中找到此ID。 在输入此 ID 时,请始终为其添加前缀act_。 启用警报 您可以启用警报,以接收有关发送到目标的数据流状态的通知。 从列表中选择警报以订阅接收有关数据流状态的通知。 有关警报的详细信息,请参阅使用UI订阅目标警报的指南...
If you need help setting up ad campaigns, measuring performance, or streamlining your processes, we’ll take care of it all. So, if you’re ready to take your online advertising game to the next level, read on to discover everything you need to know about Facebook Ad Manager. In Hurry!
1.登录facebook账号,点击左边的ads manager。 2.点击Create ad创建广告。 3.选择广告投放意向。 4.填写广告信息。 5.创建广告后选择付款方式,这里我是使用信用卡付款。这里我是使用虚拟信用卡开卡平台的虚拟卡进行绑定的。 6.填写信用卡的持卡人姓名 卡号 有效期 安全码。 7.填写信用卡账单地址 8.绑定成功。
上述代码中,我们通过AccessToken类设置用户的AD_ID、应用ID和用户ID,然后调用AppEventsLogger.activateApp(context)方法激活应用,并调用LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(activity, Arrays.asList(“email”, “public_profile”))方法请求用户授权登录Facebook。 类图 下面是使用mermaid语法绘制的类图,展...
Ad Scheduling and Delivery Optimization:Ads Manager provides control over the scheduling and delivery of ads. Advertisers can set specific start and end dates for campaigns and select optimal delivery times to reach their target audience effectively. Additionally, the platform’s delivery optimization fea...
Ads Manager Ads Manager is a tool that allows you to create ad campaigns, manage your Facebook ads and view or demonstrate the performance of your ads with reporting. This tool is free to use and makes it quite easy to adjust small ad details like the copy, ad placement, and tracki...
(4)Ad Manager(广告操作系统) Ad Manager是一种广告操作系统,用于管理和优化在线广告活动。Ad Manager通常包括广告投放平台、数据分析工具、定位和定向功能等功能,可以帮助用户更精准地定位目标受众,并通过对数据进行分析和优化,提高广告效果和投放效率。 (5)Ad account(广告账户) ...
Choose your ad placement Ad set up Choose ad format Create your ad Monitor your ad's performance Report on Facebook ad performance So, now you know the power of Facebook ads manager. Now, let’s explore how to actually run ads. I’ll demonstrate the steps below. 1. Create an account...
So in that light, we’re going to go through each of the Facebook ad targeting options, and for each one, share: How it works Privacy challenges Tips to adapt But first, let’s get some foundational knowledge established. Privacy-first Facebook ad targeting: Terms to know ...
了解不同的角色和权限:Facebook广告账户提供三种主要的管理员权限:广告账户管理员(Ad account admin)、广告账户广告员(Ad account advertiser)和广告账户观察员(Ad account analyst)。管理员可以创建、编辑和查看广告,广告员仅 能创建和编辑广告,而观察员只能查看广告。