如果个人账号没有被封,而是处于需要验证的状态,可以使用以下链接: 如果个人账号没有被封,但是无法在BM授权/广告投放权限受限,通过以下链接申诉:
个人账户部分广告功能被限制申诉: 个号验证无法登陆: 申诉结果查询: 在线客服: 查询Facebook User ID:https://l... 申诉广告账户解封时,你可以: 在表格中间的“Please provide a brief explanation of your current ad campaign”填写你的重要申诉点。如果你觉得自己可能违规了,在写申诉点之前,你需要先确定自己大致违反过的条规。然后首先表达歉意,并且写上你自己的可能违规的...
1.无论选择复审的原因是什么,在复审前,都要建议检查一下广告帖子,有没有违规或擦边或定义模糊的帖子,把这种有争议的帖子删掉,然后再复审。公共主页帖子链接: 2.公共主页违规或擦边的帖子删除后,打开链接:
Comprehensive Support :Whether your goal is brand awareness, reach, website traffic, engagement, lead generation, or conversions, we can help you meet all your business needs. Setting up a Facebook ad manager account and creating ad campaigns can be a complicated and time-consuming process, espe...
2.公共主页违规或擦边的帖子删除后,打开链接: 3.到达申请复审受限公共主页页面。按下图123,选择要申请复审的公共主页,选择其他原因,输入申诉理由。 4.申诉理由需要用英文描述。下文是申诉模板。请记得改一下公共主页ID。复制粘贴在上文的3中。 申诉广告账户解封时,你可以在表格中间的“Please provide a brief explanation of your current ad campaign”填写你的重要申诉点 ①当自己的确存在违规内容,首先你需要针对自己存在的违规情况进行阐述并表达你的歉意,其次你需要说明你自己针对这种情况打算接下来...
So, as you can see, that destination is created right there. Now, again, if you’re using one of the other destinations, you’ll still need to authenticate to your advertising account. Each platform will have its own rules. But your ad account just has to be eligible to be integrated ...
The budget is only a control tool: you’re not actually paying for ads when you set your budget. Your budget is a way of telling Facebook the maximum amount you’re willing to spend on an ad, which is distinct from the actual amount spent on the ad. The actual ad spend isdetermined...