In some cases, the nuclear option of deleting Facebook altogether can be the best choice for you. However, consider yourself forewarned: Facebook doesn’t make it super easy to delete your account. Fortunately, we’re giving you the step-by-step process in this guide. If you only want to...
If you can still access your Facebook account, the email address and password you have stored have not been changed yet. Log in with your dataas soon as possibleand change your password. One option is to delete yourFacebook account. Alternatively, look at the email addresses associated with ...
Identify the Account: Enter the email address or phone number of the person whose account you’re trying to access. If the details match an account, Facebook will display the associated profile. Account Confirmation: Choose the “This is my account” option when the correct user profile is di...
We highly recommend not selecting the Facebook/Instagram checkout option when creating a Faceook/Instagram shop or commerce account associated with the Faceook for WooCommerce extension catalog. As this feature isn’t supported, you may not be able to fulfil customers’ orders if you attempt to ...
Account Confirmation: Choose the “This is my account” option when the correct user profile is displayed. Recovery Options: Facebook will then ask how you’d like to reset the password, offering linked email addresses or phone numbers as options. ...
The script will log into your Facebook account, go to your profile page, and start deleting posts. If it cannot delete something, then it will "hide" it from your timeline instead. Be patient as it will take a very long time, but it will eventually clear everything. You may safely mi...
Click the Settings option in the left-hand sidebar At the bottom of the screen, click the Delete button to remove the catalog and shop page link. With that done, the shop page will be empty, and the link removed. We can then connect the catalog of the plugin to the shop page inst...
Facebook is the quintessential social network, but you may not always feel like being social every time you log in to your Facebook account. Whether it's because you don't have the energy or the time to engage with friends, you do have the option to browse Facebook without anyone knowin...
Want to take your business Page to the next level? Add custom tabs to tailor what content users see when they visit your Page. For example, when you visit Starbucks’ Page, there’s an option to browse photos, see open jobs, visit its Pinterest account, or find a store near you. ...
You will now be redirected back to the Register page of the MvcAuth application where you can register your Google account. You have the option of changing the local email registration name used for your Gmail account, but you generally want to keep the default...