face value 美 英 na.(钞票,债券等的)票面价值;表面价值 网络面值 复数:face values 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 face-value 显示所有例句 n. 1. (邮票、钱币、票等的)票面价值,面值the value of a stamp, coin, ticket, etc. that is shown on the front of it ...
face value 美 英 n.面值 网络票面价值;面额;表面价值 复数:face values 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 face.value 显示所有例句 n. 1. (邮票、钱币、票等的)票面价值,面值the value of a stamp, coin, ticket, etc. that is shown on the front of it ...
01. Face value 说到“颜值”的英文,很多人会立马想到“face”和“value”,英文中确实有这样一个固定搭配,但它的意思和颜值相去甚远: Face value 第一种用法,表示纸币、门票等票面价值: 1. Price that is printed on something. We paid $100 for tickets that had a face value of $50. 我们花了100...
A diplomat learns not to take everything atface value. 外交家知道不能什么都按其表面现象来理解。 At yesterday’s auction an old coin sold for many times more than itsface valueof 20 pence. 会上,一枚20便士 古币以高出面值多倍 价格售出。
在「“从表面看”用英语怎么说?」这篇文章中我们有学到:「on the face of it」这个惯用语。其中"face"就是“表面”的意思。那么猜猜看"face value"是什么意思呢: face value 1. noun [ C usually singular ] UK /ˌfeɪs ˈvæl.juː/ US /...
Face value面值 coinage beneath face value不足价货币 face withvt.给...覆抹,给...加贴边 on the face of从...字面上看, 按照字面的意义 in the face of在…面前,面临着;不管,不顾 face on俯视,俯瞰 in face of面对,在…面前;不顾,即使
Face value指表面价值,票面价值,票面额,指保险单、债券、票据抵押契据、或其他证券等单据或文件上所载明的到期应支付的价值,其价值只能根据单据的字面文义、而不得借助其他事实或证据确定,也称为平价值或名义价值,是计算利息的依据。在计算股票交易税时,交易股票的票面价值由章程条款而非票面之记载决定。有关...
at face value “value”是“价值”,“face”通常的意思是“脸”,但是它还有“表面”的意思。那“face value”就是“表面价值”,也就是我们看待问题只看“表面价值”,这个习语的含义就是“从表面看”。举例:Steven tends to take people at face value and so he is always getting hurt. 史蒂文只相信人...
Related to face value:book value face value n. 1.The value printed or written on the face, as of a coin or postage stamp. 2.Seepar value. 3.Apparent significance or value:took their compliments at face value. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrigh...
英英释义 the value of a security that is set by the company issuing it; unrelated to market value the apparent worth as opposed to the real worth 访问沪江小D查看face value的更多详细解释>相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑...