: face-to-face with : despite fearless in the face of danger to one's face : in one's presence or so that one is fully aware of what is going on If you have something to say about me, say it to my face. face the music : to meet an unpleasant situation, a danger, or...
Face the music Meaning: it means you have to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done Examples: Tim was caught cheating and now he has to face the music. Tim 考试作弊被抓住了,现在他得自食其果了。 You didn't listen to me, now you have to face the music. 你没听我...
Meaning: it means you have to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done Examples: Tim was caught cheating and now he has to face the music. Tim 考试作弊被抓住了,现在他得自食其果了。 You didn't listen to me, now you have to face the music. 你没听我的话,现在你得自...
“Music”是我们生活中必不可少的一种听觉享受,没有音乐,生活在某些时候会变得索然无味。有了音乐的日子,让平凡的场景也变得多姿多彩。但是今天学习的这个俚语“Facethemusic”可不是它字面的意思“面对音乐”。这个俗语真正意思可能让你完全想象不到。 Meaning: receivecriticismorpunishment,acceptunpleasantconsequences...
face the music Advertisement face the music Definitions(1) Idioms and PhrasesQuiz Advertisement View synonyms forface the music To accept unpleasant consequences: “After several years of cheating his employer, the embezzler finally had to face the music.”...
In this context, someone might say, "We've avoided this night for as long as we can, but now it's time to face the music." This usage implies a big event with an uncertain result that must be faced. Oddly enough, there seems to be some disconnect between the accepted meaning of ...
When you have to face the music, you're confronted with the consequences of something bad you've done. If your boss catches you lying about what time you got to work, you'll have to face the music.Anyone who lies or avoids a responsibility for long enough eventually has to face the ...
所以,當表演者面對音樂響起的那一刻,可能給自己帶來的殘酷結果。 這引申指面對自己的作為所帶來不好的局面,俗語意思就是面對現實,承擔後果。 例句:Don’t escape, you should face the music because you ‘ ve been caught cheating now.
Jean: 是的,face the music - 硬着头⽪挨训的滋味⼉可实在不好受 Helen: anyway, let’s recap – face the music – is an idiom meaning accept criticism or punishment for something you have done.Jean: Well, it looks like that’s all we have time for.Helen: Yes, I’m afraid it is...
face the music meaning, definition, what is face the music: to accept criticism or punishment for so...: Learn more.