fearless in the face of danger to one's face : in one's presence or so that one is fully aware of what is going on If you have something to say about me, say it to my face. face the music : to meet an unpleasant situation, a danger, or the consequences of one's actions...
Define face the music. face the music synonyms, face the music pronunciation, face the music translation, English dictionary definition of face the music. n. 1. a. The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin
face the music Definitions(1) Idioms and PhrasesQuiz Advertisement View synonyms forface the music To accept unpleasant consequences: “After several years of cheating his employer, the embezzler finally had to face the music.” Discover More ...
Other forms: faced the music; facing the music; faces the musicWhen you have to face the music, you're confronted with the consequences of something bad you've done. If your boss catches you lying about what time you got to work, you'll have to face the music.Anyone...
Define To face the music. To face the music synonyms, To face the music pronunciation, To face the music translation, English dictionary definition of To face the music. to admit error and accept reprimand or punishment as a consequence for having failed
This is the place for To face the music definition. You find here To face the music meaning, synonyms of To face the music and images for To face the music
face the musicv exprfigurative, informal(confront[sth]'s consequences)(比喻,非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese承担后果chéng dān hòu guǒ TCTraditional Chinese承擔後果 His only option was to go home and face the music. 标题中含有单词 'face the music' 的论坛讨论: ...
The meaning of FACE is the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. How to use face in a sentence.
face the music. music ( def 9 ). fly in the face of. fly 2( def 35 ). More idioms and phrases containing face at face value blue in the face brave face do an about-face egg on one's face feed one's face fly in the face of hide one's face in someone's face in the face...
The meaning of FACE is the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. How to use face in a sentence.