WDR FACE: The First Database for Studying Face Detection in Wide Dynamic Range [J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.03826. Wenjing Wang, Wenhan Yang, Jiaying Liu .HLA-Face: Joint High-Low Adaptation for Low Light Face Detection [J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01984. Sander R. Klomp (1 and 2...
Example 3: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Does_sombeody_know_a_large_database_of_human_faces_which_one_can_use_for_research_purposes Example 4: https://www.researchgate.net/post/A_database_of_Nordic_faces Example 5: https://www.researchgate.net/post/Can_anyone_help_me_find_a_databa...
In Study 1, we report pre-testing of these faces, which includes both subjective norming data and objective physical measurements of the images included in the database. In Study 2 we surveyed psychology researchers to assess the suitability of these targets for research purposes and explored ...
Database Reasoning over Text This repository contains the code for theDatabase Reasoning Over Textpaper, to appear at ACL2021. Work is performed in collaboration with James Thorne, Majid Yazdani, Marzieh Saeidi, Fabrizio Silvestri, Sebastian Riedel, and Alon Halevy. ...
3D face recognition has become one of the most active research topics in face recognition due to its robustness in the variation on pose and illumination. 3D database is the basis of this work. Design and construction of the face database mainly include acquisition of prototypical 3D face data...
Face Database (Ma et al.,2015), making our results directly comparable to the Chicago Face Database. Table2describes a list of formulas for the computed measurements. To make the measurements, the two research assistants followed the illustration in Fig.3and the guidelines in Table2, and ...
This study presents a new color-depth based face database gathered from different genders and age ranges from Iranian subjects. Using suitable databases, i
With increasing research in the area of face segmentation, new methods for detecting human faces automatically are being developed. However, less attention is being paid to the development of a standard face image database to evaluate these new algorithms. This paper recognizes the need for a colo...
The results show that the face database has good reliability and validity, and can be used in relevant psychological experiments. The availability of SZU-EmoDage opens up avenues for further research in psychology and related fields, allowing for a deeper understanding of facial perception....
Face recognitionrequires applying face verification many times. Herein, deepface has an out-of-the-box find function to handle this action. It's going to look for the identity of input image in the database path and it will return list of pandas data frame as output. Meanwhile, facial embe...