CelebA-Spoof:大规模带有丰富的标注的人脸反欺骗数据集 来自北京交通大学、商汤科技、香港中文大学等单位... Learning Generalized Spoof Cues for Face Anti-spoofing论文解读及复现笔记 ,详情见论文。下面介绍一下开源代码在人脸伪造检测(FaceForensics Benchmark)复现效果,先贴个结果图,轻轻松松达到0.818,因为用了人家...
“Face Anti Spoofing”数据集包含两个主要类别,分别标记为“0”和“1”。其中,“0”代表真实人脸图像,而“1”则表示伪造的人脸图像。这种二分类的设置使得模型能够在训练过程中学习到如何区分真实与伪造的面孔,从而提高防伪检测的准确性和鲁棒性。通过对这两个类别的深入学习,YOLOv8模型能够有效识别和判断输入图像中...
Face anti-spoofingHigh dynamic rangeModalities fusionFace anti-spoofing plays an important role in face recognition system to prevent security vulnerability. It acts as an important step to select the face image to the face recognition system...doi...
The main reason is that current face anti-spoofing datasets are limited in both quantity and diversity. To overcome these obstacles, we contribute a large-scale face anti-spoofing dataset, CelebA-Spoof, with the following appealing properties: 1) Quantity: CelebA-Spoof comprises of 625,537 ...
:white_check_mark: CLOSED 04 July 2019: We will share several publicly available datasets on face anti-spoofing/liveness detection to facilitate related research and analytics. :white_check_mark: CLOSED 07 June 2019: We are training a better-performing IR-152 model on MS-Celeb-1M_Align_112x...
dataset:https://github.com/deepfakeinthewild/deepfake-in-the-wild DeeperForensics-1.0 paper:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.03024.pdf datset:https://liming-jiang.com/projects/DrF1/DrF1.html Face Anti-spoofing CelebA-Spoof: Large-Scale Face Anti-Spoofing Dataset with Rich Annotations ...
http://www.kinfacew.com/download.html CASIA 2012 50个人,每个人12段视频 http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/english/FaceAntiSpoofDatabases.asp Replay-Attack2012 50个人,每个人24段视频 https://www.idiap.ch/dataset/replayattack 活体检测数据库简介:
Download BibTex Face anti-spoofing (FAS) plays a critical role in securing face recognition systems from different presentation attacks. Previous works leverage auxiliary pixel-level supervision and domain generalization approaches to address unseen spoof types. However, the local characteristics of image ...
Face Anti-Spoofing Face Retrieval 2. 数据集 DatasetsDescriptionLinksPublish Time CASIA-WebFace 10,575 subjects and 494,414 images Download 2014 MegaFace 1 million faces, 690K identities Download 2016 MS-Celeb-1M about 10M images for 100K celebrities Concrete measurement to evaluate the performance of...
We host CelebA-Spoof Challenge 2020 based on the CelebA-Spoof dataset. The challenge will officially start together withECCV 2020 SenseHuman Workshop.Registrationis now open. If you are interested in soliciting new ideas to advance the state of the art in real-world face anti-spoofing, we look...