Go to the download section and get the latest version of Fabric Loader installer. Jump to Download Section Open Fabric Loader Open the downloaded jar or exe file, choose the preferred game version and loader version to be installed, and press the "Install" button. ...
Mod Loader/API 是什么 ?Mod Loader/API 是对 Mod Loader (加载器) 及其附带的基础 API 的统称。...
所以推荐以下网址http://www.mc-mod.net/minecraft-forge/ 快速下载forge/optifine/fabric 这个网站不仅有forge,optifine和fabric也有,且下载较快(比官网快多了) fabric包含fabric installer/fabric API/Modmenu/ModLoader四者都是必要的,具体原因不细讲,推荐网站都有,Modmenu:http://www.mc-mod.net/mod-menu-m...
Fabric API: Minecraft version specific, a mod like any other, provides all sorts of APIs for interoperability and convenience (this CurseForge project) Instructions: Install Fabric Loader from the Fabric website - there is an installer for the vanilla launcher and dedicated servers, other launchers...
Fabric's mostly-version-independent mod loader. Java650270 EnigmaEnigmaPublic This is a fork of cuchaz's Enigma, a deobfuscation/remapping tool for Java software. Java462115 fabric-loomfabric-loomPublic Gradle build system plugin used to automate the setup of a minecraft mod development environment...
对于开发者则需要去下载 官方示例Mod (Github) 还有去 构建版本网站 检索版本。 另在Jenkins 上有 Fabric-installer 和Fabric-Loader 的下载。 低版本移植: 1.13.2~1.3.2:Legacy Fabric API b1.7.3:Cursed Legacy API Fabric 官方 有较为完善的开发文档:Fabric Wiki(英文)。 Fabric 官方 有中国玩家上传的中文...
loader_version=0.15.3 loader_version=0.15.6 installer_version=0.11.1 prerelease=true2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 src/main/resources/fabric.mod.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "FabricMC" ...
首先需要从Installer 下载页面下载文件fabric-installer.jar。文件没有按照版本区分,所以我猜测这东西应该就是针对所有版本的。 当然也可以在命令行下载: curl-OJhttps://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-installer/1.0.1/fabric-installer-1.0.1.jar ...
Fabric Mod Loader es muy similar a Forge, aunque se centra en ser ligero y modular. Algunas ventajas clave de Fabric en comparación con Forge: El tejido utilizaba muchos menos recursos del servidor Muchos de los mods de Fabric se hacen pensando en la optimización ...