TRUNCATE 命令快速删除表中的所有数据行。 ALTER TABLE - 添加可以为 null 的列 发货(2024 年第 3 季度) 支持ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN,以便能够使用允许 NULL 值的新列扩展现有表。 查询见解更新 发货(2024 年第 3 季度) 将通过 Query Insights 提供已关闭会话的历史视图。 此外,它还有助于分析 DW 的流量、...
The external data sharing feature announced earlier this year is now generally available. External data sharing enables the sharing of OneLake tables and folders across tenant boundaries. In the current release, each share may include a single folder or a table from a Lakehouse. In the coming re...
Support for DDL: Truncate Table Summary Mirroring Azure SQL Database in Fabric plays a crucial role in enabling analytics and driving insights from data by providing: Timeliness of Insights: Ensuring the most recent data is available for analysis. This allows businesses to make decisions based on...
Truncation of a Lakehouse table, views, table referenced by materialized views, system tables, system DMVs are also not allowed. Syntax for truncate table to remove rows from a Parquet-backed user table in Microsoft Fabric Warehouse: TRUNCATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema...
Lakehouse 架构功能 Lakehouse 架构功能(预览版)引入了数据管道支持,可从 Lakehouse 表读取架构信息,并支持将数据写入指定架构下的表。 Lakehouse 架构允许将表组合在一起,以便更好地发现数据、进行访问控制等操作。 对git 集成和部署管道的湖屋支持(预览版) 湖屋现与 Microsoft Fabric 中的生命周期管理功能集成,可在...
November 2023 REST API support for Lakehouse, Load to tables and table maintenance As a key requirement for workload integration, REST Public APIs for Lakehouse are now available. The Lakehouse REST Public APIs makes it easy for users to manage and manipulate Lakehouse items programmatically. Novemb...
{ "name": "FabricWarehouseTableDataset", "properties": { "type": "WarehouseTable", "linkedServiceName": { "referenceName": "<Microsoft Fabric Warehouse linked service name>", "type": "LinkedServiceReference" }, "schema": [ < physical schema, optional, retrievable during authoring > ],...
Cross-warehouse ingestion: When data is stored in the same workspace, cross-warehouse ingestion allows joining different warehouse or lakehouse tables. It supports T-SQL commands like INSERT…SELECT, SELECT INTO, and CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS). These commands are especially useful when you want...
Hi, coming at this as a "newbie", so please excuse my ignorance, would you expand on the note you made:The data source connection type is Azure SQL Database connecting to the Fabric Lakehouse SQL Endpoint. (At this time, the Lakehouse connector...
Decision guide - Warehouse and Lakehouse 1. Create a warehouse 2. Create a table 3. Ingest data 4. Query the warehouse 5. Create reports Tutorials Connect to the warehouse Copilot for Data Warehouse Design and Develop Dimensional modeling Load data into the warehouse Create models and buil...