light-filtering(2) metallic(1) hydrophobic(1) easy cleaning(1) for architecture(1) Submit exhibit your products & reach your clients in one place, all year round Exhibit with us Wide fabrics | Choosing the Right Upholstery and Decorative Fabrics ...
She defines 'fabric' broadly to include such materials as Tyvek insulation, plastic zip ties, and recycled plastic bottles. And she treats her materials in ways that are both rooted-in-tradition handmade, and 21st century digital. She manipulates image-soaked fabric once, then again, then again...
Thankfully I came out of the experience without any debt, though very thin. To answer the ‘What to do with scrap’ question atFI, I say don’t create any in the first place. Ok, not always possible but we could do so much better. Just over two years ago I spoke at a conference...