Fabric Enchantments aims to provide lots of new enchantments for Fabric users. More enchantments are expected to come with each new release. The config files can be used to individually disable each enchantment. On top of this, you are able to change the values of different chances and duration...
Enchantments-Plus for Fabric Updated to 1.20 This mods adds over 10 useful and exciting new enchantments! They have a vanilla-like theme, and aren't absolutely game changing. Most enchantments can be found in the vanilla enchantment table, though some are treasure only enchantments. These are la...
这一期来介绍十个好用的Fabric模组。 模组支持的其它版本也会在字幕中标出来, 其中有些模组可能还没有更新到1.16.5,但是都可以兼容。 游戏版本:1.16.5 使用光影:BSL 温馨提示: 使用模组前请备份重要地图。 模组清单: Grind Enchantments https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/grind-enchantments/files Vein...
官方文档:fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:enchantments 老方法,新建一个类 按部就班 然后照着官方文档来慢慢改: 然后就实现了一个缓慢的附魔: 被攻击后的实体会得到缓慢20 * 2 * level秒,等级是level - 1 如果你打开Enchantment来看,你会发现其实有很多功能Mojang已经给了注释来解释功能. 就像这个一样: 在主类里...
Fabric Enchantments (by safrodev) Impersonate (by PyrofabTheModsmith) Gobber [FABRIC] (by kwpugh) Xaero’s Minimap (by xaero96) KubeJS Extras (by thetechnici4n) Packages (by quat1024) ‘Slight’ Gui Modifications (by shedaniel) Explorer’s Compass (by Chaosyr) Your Options Shall Be Respe...
moenchantments 2.0.0 - morebannerfeatures 1.1.3 - moretags 2.0.2 via the_aether - morevillagers-fabric 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT - mostructures 1.3.0-pre1+1.18 - musketmod 1.4.3 - mythic-mounts 1.18-4.0 - namepain 1.4.0 - netherportalspread-fabric 5.6 - noexpensive 1.18-Fabric-1.2.0 - no...
Enchantments-Plus Updated to 1.20.4 for Fabric Minecraft Mod that adds over 10 new fun enchantments to the game! Supports Enchantment Descriptions and Mod Menu Download Link Requires: Fabric Loader AND Fabric API AND Cloth Config API Fabric Installation: Drop .jar file into mods folder (same wit...
Enchantment Descriptions- Adds descriptions of enchantments to the tooltips of enchanted books. Enhanced Attack Indicator- Shows the attack indicator progress meter on more actions. Entity Culling- Skips rendering entities you can't see to improve performance. ...
Enchantments in this category add a variety of features to your weapon other than damage. Some may prove useful in a fight, while others make the item serve a new purpose. They are incompatible with Knockback, Punch, and Riptide. Airlinecauses you to be Tetheredto your own projectiles, ridin...
Sort the enchantments in a tooltip, you can manually make your desired order or just alphabetically sort it; Assign custom colors to each enchantment and those will display in as the color of the strip on Enchanted Books. Disable glint on enchanted books (Configurable). Show which items each ...