Using Fabric API to play with mods Make sure you have installed fabric loader first. More information about installing Fabric Loader can be found here. To use Fabric API, download it from CurseForge, GitHub Releases or Modrinth. The downloaded jar file should be placed in your mods folder. Us...
To use Fabric API, download it fromCurseForge,GitHub ReleasesorModrinth. The downloaded jar file should be placed in yourmodsfolder. Using Fabric API to develop mods To set up a Fabric development environment, check out theFabric example modand follow the instructions there. The example mod alrea...
Lightweight and modular API providing common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain. - Download the Minecraft Mod Fabric API by modmuss50 on Modrinth
This mod is only distributed throughCurseForge,Modrinthand theofficial GitHub repository. Please do not redistribute this modordownload this mod from any other download source. For more detail on mod reposts, and how to stay protected against them,
* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub ** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc 🎥 Videos 📚 FAQ Q:Why don't the Slime Boots bounce right? A:Check if you are using Performant, and if you are, turn off the "fastCollisions" config. Otherwise...
To use Fabric API, download it fromCurseForge,GitHub ReleasesorModrinth. The downloaded jar file should be placed in yourmodsfolder. Using Fabric API to develop mods To setup a Fabric development environment, check out theFabric example modand follow the instructions there. The example mod already...
模组依赖: 点击上方的下载链接,然后按图片提示操作。 Cardboard 模组下载链接 〈〉 点击上方的下载链接,然后按图片提示操作。 这样,我们就下载好了文件,我这里下载的是 版本,文件名是 Cardboard-1.18.2.jar。
Fabric API implemented on top of NeoForge - Download the Minecraft Mod Forgified Fabric API by a Creator on Modrinth
(fabric-api-0.75.1+1.19.2)还有(optifabric-1.13.16)和(OptiFine_1.19.2_HD_UI1),装(jei-1.19.2-fabric-这个就提示我不可以用了,我中间有换了好几个版本,一开始是从PCL2里下载,后边以为mod出问题了去MC百科下的,但是还是不能用怎么办 分享5赞 minecraft服务器吧 魔法少女伊藤陈 求助1.20...
我添加完地毯的MOD后游戏启动会直接崩溃,我是国际版1.19.3 而且装完api 分享4赞 minecraft吧 贴吧用户_Gb7A1y7 求助好兄弟们,我又来了,我用的fabric的模组optifine不兼容怎么安装光影啊 分享32 我的世界吧 黄油加蜂蜜 为什么fabric安装了之后加不了模组都说用fabric加载模组比forge快,但为什么我安装fabric之后进...