1) 下载链接:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-api/files 2) 选择最新的Fabric API文件进行下载 curseforge上的Fabric API下载界面 5. 将Fabric API放入mods文件夹中 将刚刚下载的fabric-api-xxx.jar文件放入%AppData%\.minecraft\mods文件夹里面 当前fabric-api的版本为0.62.0,适合MC的1.19....
4、稍等一会,可以看到fabric api上有提示 日志与附件 Log1.txt line 892:[13:48:30.052] [Net] 获取网络结果:https://api.modrinth.com/v2/project/fabric-api,超时10000ms,要求 json PhantomPixel-0418 reacted with confused emoji 😕 PhantomPixel-0418added· Bug新提交需要社区初步确认其有效的新提交labe...
下载mod:https://modrinth.com/mod/chat-with-npc(或者在GitHub) 在mods文件夹中安装mod后,从此处获取您的OpenAI API密钥,并使用/npchat setkey <key>命令设置它。 您可以使用命令来设置mod的基本配置。 要注册NPC,请阅读RegisterNPC。 要注册组,请阅读RegisterGroup。 要了解有关mod的配置,请阅读配置。 要了解...
接下来,去Modrinth下载Sinytra connector、前置FFAPI、拓展Connector Extras并安装至Mod文件夹中,启动服务器测试。服务器成功运行后即可删除初始地图并像普通服务器一样安装Mod(Forge和Fabric均可)和插件了。需要注意的是,Forge和Fabric模组并不需要分开存储,均保存在Mods中即可。 客户端安装 用任何启动器先创建一个Forge...
All it takes is for you to declare your dependencies in yourfabric.mod.jsonto prevent a crash on launch. Something like this: You should also put the Fabric API and Architectury dependencies in Modrinth and CurseForge releases so that people know and so that launchers can download it automatic...
Lightweight and modular API providing common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain. - Download the Minecraft Mod Fabric API by modmuss50 on Modrinth
Fabric API - Versionsmodrinth.com/mod/fabric-api/versions#all-versions 这两个链接哪个能用用...
Fabric API - Versionsmodrinth.com/mod/fabric-api/versions#all-versions 这两个链接哪个能用用...
⚠ Universal OresrequiresFabric API to be installed:GitHub/CurseForge/Modrinth ️ Support You can support Promenade on thePatreon page of the founder, main developer and maintainer of the Dawn Team mods (Hugman). By supporting Hugman, you can get access to the following: ...
To use Fabric API, download it fromCurseForge,GitHub ReleasesorModrinth. The downloaded jar file should be placed in yourmodsfolder. Using Fabric API to develop mods To setup a Fabric development environment, check out theFabric example modand follow the instructions there. The example mod already...