FABwins majority of Global Finance 2023 Sustainable Finance Awards in the Middle East Global Finance selects its award winners based on objective factors such as transaction volume, market share, competitive pricing and global coverage, as detailed in public company documents and media reports. ...
ESG Refinitiv C More Ratings Analysts' Consensus Sell Buy Mean consensus BUY Number of Analysts 6 Last Close Price 5.607USD Average target price 8.086USD Spread / Average Target +44.22% Consensus Quarterly earnings, Rate of surprise Company calendar ...
Released first Task force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reportto share the company's approach to TCFD's key areas of governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets In 2022, Flex received accolades and awards for its sustainability and ESG leadership and performance, in...
2024年1月18日,生态环境部发布了《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2023-2030年)》,明确要求“科学评估企业经营活动的生物多样性影响,推动将生物多样性相关信息纳入企业环境信息依法披露及其监督管理活动内容,以及环境、社会及治理(ESG)报告等企业可持续发展报告”。 紧接...
SUMMARY REPORT“ESG合规管理实务与前沿问题”专栏由北京新世纪跨国公司研究所组织专家撰写的合规系列丛书之《ESG合规管理实务与前沿问题》新书于2023年在社会科学文献出版社正式出版。ESG合规是企业社会责任的核心内容之一,也是企业稳健发展...
7荣联科技:2023年年度审计报告其他公司治理A股荣联科技 002642.SZ2024-04-24 8中远海科:2023年年度报告年报A股中远海科 002401.SZ2024-04-03 9中远海科:2023年度ESG报告ESG公告、其他重要事项A股中远海科 002401.SZ2024-04-03 10中远海科:2023年度内部控制评价报告其他公司治理A股中远海科 ...
IDC MarketScape (2024) European ESG Technology Services for CSRD Compliance Vendor Assessment Learn why IBM is positioned as a Leader in Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compliance, based on IDC analysis and customer feedback. IDC MarketScape (2024) Worldwide Managed Detection and ...
{8}乔舒亚·富兰克林,帕特里克·坦普尔-韦斯特.高盛将因ESG误导性声明支付400万美元罚款[N].英国金融时报,2022-11-23. {9}妙盈研究院.中国可持续基金发展进程2022-2023年度报告[EB/OL].(2023-03-30)[2023-11-01]. https://www.miotech.com/zh-CN/article/202. ...
72023中国房企综合实力TOP100第48位亿翰智库企业榜复地(集团)股份有限公司2023-08-03详情 82023中国房地产ESG竞争力评测开发品牌TOP100第17位凤凰网、凤凰网房产、风财讯、中国不动产ESG联盟、妙盈科技、秩鼎技术、盟浪、恒生聚源、CTI华测企业榜复地(集团)股份有限公司2023-06-12详情 ...
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