WHAT’S “Bank In”? 答:各部门依据规定执行Hold 货或设Future Hold,并下Bank In之制式Comment后,货到站后由当区MA/LL负责于MES作帐,Wafer存入Stocker。 WHAT’S “Bank Out”? 答:各部门于Hold Comment下Bank Out之制式Comment并通知当区主管,于MFG确认Hold Comment无误后,于MES作帐,Wafer依Comment处理。
We’ll bring the bank to you You can do a whole lot of your banking, from the comfort of your home or from wherever you are. Take a look at some of the key features and services available on FAB Mobile. We also add new features regularly, so keep an eye out on ‘What’s New’...
5. BHLD 被工程师或客户Bank Hold短时间内不会Run的货 6. Blue Tape 蓝膜 7. Boat 石英晶舟 8. Bottom 底部 9. Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压 10. Broken 破片;损坏 11. Buffer 生产暂存区 12. Buffer Chemical 缓冲液 ◎ C开头的单字◎ 1. Calibration 校正;调整 2. Camera 照相机;摄影机 3. Cancel...
2. Bank 暂存 3. Barcode 条形码 4. Batch 整批 5. BHLD 被工程师或客户Bank Hold短时间内不会Run的货 6. Blue Tape 蓝膜 7. Boat 石英晶舟 8. Bottom 底部 9. Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压 10. Broken 破片;损坏 11. Buffer 生产暂存区 12. Buffer Chemical 缓冲液 ◎ C开头的单字 ◎ 1. Calibra...
FABFirst Alliance Bank(Tennessee) FABFlex Ajax Bridge(software; Adobe) FABFaïencerie d'Art Breton(French earthenware company) FABFlat Ass Broke FABFulfillment, Assurance, and Billing(operational process areas for Telecommunication Service Providers) ...
Is the business scaleable without you in it? A good business plan will also form the basis for any external finance you might require, whether from a bank or other investors. Monthly Management Accounts Regular and timely management accounts will report back the performance of your company. It...
Logsheet:记录纸 记录机台数据供工程师查询,一般作为OI附件,需使用最新版本。 2021/5/18 29 Average 平均 Auto/Manual 自动/手动 Abort 放弃 Acid 酸 Batch 群;组 Back up 备用 Bay rack 货架 Bank 储存所 “A ” “B ” FAB区常用词汇 FAB区常用词汇 2021/5/18 30 “C ” Cancel 取消 Chart 图表 ...
Automation 化◎ B开头的单字◎◎A开头的单字◎醋酸 丙酮 Air 洁净走道铝氢氧化胺(俗称: 自动 Bake 烘烤 Bank 暂存 Barcode 条形码 Batch 整批 BHLD 短时间内不会Rim的货 6. Tape 7. Boat 石英晶舟被工程师或客户Bank Hold Blue 蓝膜 Bottom 底部 Breakdown Voltage Broken 破片;损坏 Buffer 生产暂存区 ...