The apps feature the same number of questions as the PC software and other FAA test prep titles. Our FAA preps feature question sets very representative of the overall FAA test banks and not just the small 'sample' banks that the FAA have put on their website and that form the basis of...
If you’ve come to this site, then you recognize the inherent frustration with passing your FAA test. Maybe you’ve already attempted some of the written preparation courses out there and just couldn’t seem to pass the FAA test. Or maybe the FAA test has been looming on the horizon and...
iPhone Description Comprehensive preparation, study and test tool for the Remote Pilot (small Unmanned Aircraft System, sUAS) FAA Knowledge Exam. Many sample questions for you to study. This app provides a mobile solution for pilots and drone operators preparing for their FAA “written” exam. Tak...
A provision tucked into the US House’s FAA reauthorization bill would require the agency to regulate airline seat sizes. FAA said in early July there was no evidence that higher-capacity seat configurations would prevent passengers from evacuating in a
24-Q. What are the written test questions like? A. Written test questions are of the objective, multiple choice type. Sample questions will be found in the current issue of Airframe/Powerplant/General Test Guide or subsequent revisions,Aviation Maintenance Technician Series: Airframe/Powerplant/Gen...
The FAA said it invited interested people to partake in developing the proper airworthiness criteria for the Joby Model JAS4-1 powered lift by sending written comments, data, or views. “The most helpful comments, reference a specific portion of the airworthiness criteria, explain the reason ...
elements of an air traffic control (ATC) clearance. The number of test items to be given for a particular objective and percent of correct responses required to achieve a passing score on an FAA administered academic test or other related examination (e.g., Control Tower Operator Written E ...
The written request must include a revised EASA Supplement listing the component parts, the scope of maintenance that will be performed on the parts, including a self-assessment of the following elements: tooling, equipment, data used, training, facilities, qualified personnel, etc. 4...
Messages from Kafka are cleaned, prepped, and parsed in a workspace in Azure Databricks. This Azure Databricks workspace is where data scientists do their work. They use notebooks written in Python, Scala, or R that contain the logic they need to parse the data or even train models b...
Non-destructive test results with backcalculation. Allows for design and evaluation procedures not in use when the manual was written. FAA Guidance on PCN Calculation The FAA is responsible for certifying all commercial airports in the U.S. and is the organization generally responsible for complying...