Is one of the apps sufficient to prepare me for my FAA knowledge test? Our GroundSchool FAA apps are complete systems, featuring the totality of questions, answers, and explanations as found in our desktop computer software that has helped thousands of people pass their tests. So yes, in the...
If you study conscientiously using our GroundSchool FAA written test prep software or app for the platform(s) of your choice, you will in all likelihood find the questions and answers extremely familiar when you go to take your actual test. In fact, if you're like most people who have do...
“Thank you so much for the work you’ve done putting together the written test prep series. I recently took my private pilot airplane knowledge test after studying with the help of your program and I am very proud to say I scored a 97%. Not bad for a 56 year old man with a dream...
Before I took the test I could rip through 100 random questions in the test prep in about 20 mins. I knew I was in trouble when I literally didn’t recognize any of the answers or questions. Total waste of time and honestly a lot of money bc now I have to wait to retake my test...
While this app is an excellent way to practice for the written exam it has a couple if issues from making it a 5 Star app. 1.) At the end of a trial test it always says you failed even when you didn’t. 2.) It doesn’t let you review or explain your incorrect answers it only...
New Private Pilot VOR Test Questions Also Some Tips on some other Changes to the FAA Exams Purchase an All-In-one Package and receive the V-Ride Prep Software absolutely FREE (a $65 gift from Pilot Training Solutions). Nowpurchasing one of our written prep programs will automatically give yo...
This practice test has 30 questions. These 30 questions were created by me. After each question you will find out the correct answer AND the wrong answers. I put a reference to the exemption to help you with further study. At the end you’ll be given a score with a complete breakdown....
Study actual, up-to-date FAA questions and then ACE your FAA Commercial Pilot knowledge (written) test the easy way with GroundSchool FAA Knowledge Test Preparation software by Dauntless Aviation, the trusted leader in FAA written test preparation. ...
In addition to 95 questions assessing students’ knowledge, the module also provides correct answers and explanations to improve test takers’ expertise. All questions come from the FAA’s official question bank, with answers and explanations created exclusively for Upward Mobility by a federally licens...
written for the user rather than the design engineer. All the options are included – logging out and back in for breaks and picking up where left off, displaying all the answers or just the correct one (with ability to toggle back and forth), and so on. You have thought of everything...