“飞手”需要能读听写英文 Airspace Authorization 空域授权: 无人机可以无需批准在 Class G (uncontrolled 非管制) 空域运行。在其他管制空域如B,C, D, E等需要空管批准。 申请在管制空域飞行也必须在网上申请, 而不是和单个空管部门申请。 申请在管制空域飞行最好在飞行日期的90天前申请。 前面提到了Airmap公...
Class Dairspace is generally airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet AGL (charted in MSL) surrounding those airports that have an operational control tower. Small city airports with control towers are usually designated as Class D airspace. You can associate the “D” in Class D airspace w...
As we prepare for landing, take a look at the airport. It’s surrounded by class G airspace denoted by this magenta shading. Let’s have a look and see what information we can derive from the chart. First, we have class G airspace which indicates uncontrolled airspace that we must use...