data sheet (which is part of Type Certificate Number E00078NE) and other approved data on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, meet the minimum standards for use in certificated aircraft in accordance with pertinent aircraft data sheets and applicable portions of the Federal Aviation ...
TYPE CERTIFICATE DATA SHEET E00078NE GEnx-1B54/P2 GEnx-1B58/P2 GEnx-1B64/P2 GEnx-1B67/P2 GEnx-1B70/P2 GEnx-1B75/P2 GEnx-1B78/P2 Engines of models described herein conforming with this data sheet (which is part of Type Certificate Number E00078NE) and other approved data on file ...
(072)是指考的FAA局方考试大纲对应的知识点也即:AMP072对应的是 Recall type certificate data sheet (TCDS)/supplemental type certificate (STC) AMP对应知识点从001到073在题库的XV页有明细对应内容; 而AMT-G Ch 11 的意思,想必大家应该清楚,这就是说本题出现的关联知识点在AMT系列教材General的第11章节.....
FAA飞机维护执照常用单词 00010002 滚动摩擦双排滚珠轴承锥形滚棒轴承推力轴承滑动轴承星型发动机水平对臵发动机零气门间隙减速器,减速齿轮容积效率急转弯摇臂曲轴主连杆连杆活塞排量进气,压缩,点火,做功,排气工作温度提前点火可动配重共振v气缸筒体,气缸筒气缸头上死点TDC下死点BDC发动机反冲,反转(发动机)回火继续着火...
For a certificate with both ratings, therequirement is at least 30-months of experience concurrently performing theduties appropriate to both ratings. 如果要同时获得两项评定(airframe和powerplant)的资格,则要求至少30个月的同时实施a&p的工作经历。
Motor: Shaded Pole Induction Motor Motor Protection: Impedance Protected Bearing Type: Two Ball Connection: UL 1430 AWG 22, 280mm Wire Leads Impeller Material: Plastic UL94V-0 Frame Material: Aluminum Alloy Operating Temp: -10°C~70°C
Buy Product FAA1-08038NSMW31 AC Axial Fan Features: Motor: Shaded Pole Induction Motor Motor Protection: Impedance Protected Bearing Type: Sleeve Connection: UL 1430 AWG 22, 280mm Wire Leads Impeller Material: Plastic UL94V-0 Frame Material: Aluminum Alloy ...
type certificate (TC)/STC or TSOA holder, or For minor repairs from other than a U.S. TC/STC or TSOA holder, the determination that data is acceptable (under 14 CFR part 43) has been made by a U.S. maintenance organization under FAA's authorized system. reference A...
查Datasheet、查价格、查替代料 搜索一键BOM配单598FAA001869DG 厂商: SILABS(芯科科技) 封装: SMD-8 描述: 有源晶振 2.5V 300MHz SMD-8 数据手册:下载598FAA001869DG.pdf立即购买 详情介绍 数据手册 价格&库存 598FAA001869DG 数据手册 Si 5 9 8 / S i 5 99 1 0 – 8 1 0 M H Z I 2C P...
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