Spend less time studying and more time flying! This is the FAA Private and Recreational Pilot version of GroundSchool, our FAA knowledge (written) test preparat…
Ace your FAA Private Pilot and/or Recreational Pilot written (knowledge) test! Spend less time studying and more time flying. GroundSchool is the smart pilot's…
🎈📅历经九个月的风风雨雨,从TSA background check的繁琐,到初次单飞的紧张,再到多次转场飞行和Nav Log的训练,每一步都充满了挑战。🛫📚最后两个月的Checkride Prep,我不断打磨自己的飞行技巧,终于在最后一个月因为天气问题而多次取消飞行后,成功拿到了Private Pilot License!💪🎈现在,轻舟已过万重山,我...
With a minimum of time and cost, YOU can ACE your FAA Private Pilot knowledge (written) test using our GroundSchool apps. Regularly updated, actual and realistic FAA questions [Learn More] Explanations for every question. Detailed, illustrated, and intelligent. Written by professional pilots, in...
私照是学飞过程中的初始执照,是基础也是较难取得的一个执照。 FAA私照考试主要分三个部分 笔试(knowledge exam) 口试(Oral test) 飞试(practice test) 笔试部分较为简单,有题库,认真刷题,通过笔试基本没有任何问题。 口试部分推荐正在准备考试的同学认真背诵 oral exam guide (private pilot) 这本书,亚马逊这些...
From initial pilot and technician certification to advanced ratings and ATP, Jeppesen has you covered with the training solutions to support your flying passion.Our comprehensive library of courseware and reference material includes: FAA Private Pilot kits, e-books, textbooks and online training EASA...
如何将中国民用航空局(CAAC)颁发的私人飞行执照(Private Pilot License)快速、简单地转换为美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)的私人飞行执照! 梦想照进现实 我们都知道,CAAC和FAA在飞行执照的认证上有着各自的标准和流程。但你是否想过,有一天能够轻松地将你的CAAC私照转换成FAA私照,实现全球飞行的梦想?今天,这个梦想即将...
官方网站 访问 Ace your FAA Private Pilot and/or Recreational Pilot written (knowledge) test! Spend less time studying and more time flying. GroundSchool is the smart pilot's secret for passing FAA knowledge (written) and is brought to you by Dauntless Aviation, the trusted leader in FAA writ...
We Help You Pass Our free online study guide really works. You can study for your FAA private pilot ground school examright now. For more info about the 4VFR.COM project,click here. You can find a daily update loghere. Live ATC Audio Streams ...
Private Pilot Airplane App Test Prep - Helps you prepare to take the FAA Airplane Written Exam! Preparation includes topics: - Aerodynamics - Flight Instrumen…