Exhibition;FAR 21.191(e), Air racing;FAR 21.191(f), Market surveys;FAR 21.191(g), Operating amateur-built aircraft; andFAR 21.191(h), Operating kit-built aircraft (primary category aircraft assembled by a person(s)
The FAA will now require instructors who teach in “experimental-”, “primary-” and “limited-” category aircraft to obtain an exemption called a “letter of deviation authority” – or “LODA” – to conduct those instructional flights, according to an FAA ...
Icon Aircraft based in Vacaville, California, has received FAA type certification for itsA5 amphibious light sport aircraft in the primary category, a milestone that will helpthe company grow, Icon Aircraft officials say.The certification makes the two-seat carbon fiber A5 one of only a few ...
FAA Issues Final Rule for Powered-Lift Aircraft: A Major Milestone for eVTOL and Advanced Air MobilityOctober 23, 2024 Industry Leaders React to New Pilot and Operational Standards as the U.S. Takes a Critical Step Toward Scaling eVTOL and AAM Innovations by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian J. McNa...
Category 1-12 Semimonocoque 2-8 vii Composite Construction 2-8 Avoiding Wake Turbulence 4-8 History 2-8 Ground Effect 4-9 Composite Materials in Aircraft 2-9 Axes of an Aircraft 4-11 Advantages of Composites 2-9 Moment and Moment Arm 4-12 Disadvantages of Composites 2-9 Aircraft Design ...
we intend to have a 2 man crew comprised of both a PIC & a designated VO to alert the PIC of any potential aircraft entering the vicinity. ATC can reach either of us if needed via our cell number provided in this request. PIC will also post a NOTAM via www.1800wxbrief.com, a mini...
icingairplanescertificationflightcategorytransport Subject:CERTIFICATIONOFTRANSPORTCATEGORYAIRPLANESFORFLIGHTINICINGCONDITIONSDate:5/7/04InitiatedBy:ANM-112ACNo:25.1419-1AChange:1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)providesguidanceforcertificationofairframeiceprotectionsystemsontransportcategoryairplanes.Whilethisistheprimaryfoc...
These included detect-and-avoid encounter flights of Cessna 172 and Cessna 208 aircraft to help NASA validate the use of existing FAA primary surveillance radars. Reliable is working to commercialize its technology for Part 23 cargo and Part 25 passenger aircraft. It’s currently going through the...
united states of america faa美国美国联邦航空局.doc,page \* arabic97 page \* arabic97 NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 UNITED STATES OF AMERICAPRIVATE DEPARTMENT OF TRA