FAA Orders Big No-Fly Zone for Drones at the Super Bowl.americanfootballFederalAviationAdministrationrecreationroutinegeneralnewssportsNicasJackEBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Online Edition
Gizmodocreated a mapshowing what a 30-mile radius around the stadium looks like, calling the restriction “absurd”. It’s an area covering roughly 2,827 square miles: The FAA’s message is just a reminder, as this restriction isn’t anything new. The FAA already has bans on drones (and...
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is maintaining a no-fly zone over a leaking access well at Southern California Gas' Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility near the Porter Ranch neighborhood of Los Angeles. The California Air Resources Board has estimated that about 62 million cubic fee...
The FAA will not be posting inspectors to identify planes that might violate that airspace, and there is little the government can do to a plane if it gets within that no-fly zone. But the edict may calm the nerves of some jittery fans since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World...
namespace b4ufly.iOS { public partial class MapPage : ContentPage { public static MapPage me = null; public static MyMap map = null; public static Boolean plannerModeOn = false; Once you have a custom element, MapPage, then you need to create the custom renderers for each platform, ...
Hawaii is easily the most airline travel-reliant state in the country. We have virtually no ability to travel within Hawaii or to and from Hawaii without getting on an airline. For that reason primarily, we can’t help but take more notice than others do when we hear about further problems...
namespace b4ufly.iOS { public partial class MapPage : ContentPage { public static MapPage me = null; public static MyMap map = null; public static Boolean plannerModeOn = false; Once you have a custom element, MapPage, then you need to create the custom renderers for each platform, ...
Flying over the "No Fly Zone:" Re-Irradiation of Ultracentrally Located Thoracic Tumors Utilizing Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy The feasibility and safety of re-irradiation for ultracentrally located thoracic tumors has been reported, however there is very little information detailing outco...
No-Fly Zone.(lack of Year 2000 compliance in the FAA)(Government Activity)Duffy, Daintry
The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday issued a no-fly zone over Ferguson, Missouri, to last until Monday, after tensions escalated in the town following the fatal shooting of an unarmed teen over the weekend. According to the FAA’s website, the agency restricted the airspace above th...