FAAForm8100-2 JohnQ.PublicanJohnQ.Publican DESIGNATIONNUMBER DMIRANM1234 Anyalteration,reproduction,ormisuseofthiscertificatemaybepunishablebyafinenotexceeding$1,000,orimprisonmentnotexceeding3years,orboth.THISCERTIFICATEMUSTBEDISPLAYEDINTHEAIRCRAFTINACCORDANCEWITHAPPLICABLEFEDERALAVIATIONREGULATIONS.•CAAC对维修方案...
FAA Form 8120-11, "Suspected Unapproved Parts Notification" The form includes instructions for completion, and identifies the information needed to initiate a SUP investigation, and Send the form to the SUP Program Office address listed or FAX number below: Federal Aviation Adm...
Form 8130–3 may be considered the part marking if the form is completed in accordance with FAA Order 8130.21. Refer to FAA Order 8130.21, paragraphs 8. f and 11.d for further instructions. 5: Is the Pr oduction Appr oval Holder (PAH) allowed to develop an automated pr inting me...
g. Failure of the Contractor to fully comply with the above instructions and/or directions from the RE shall result in an immediate shutdown of the entire project until such time as the Contractor demonstrates his compliance. h. Contractor vehicles requiring access to the airport must comply ...