Refer to this article for FAA Remote ID Compliance content, how to register a drone, and frequently asked questions. #Flight Safety
requirements of Part 25, and each requirement of 62S.l309(b) and (c) applies only if other applicable sections of Part 25donot provide aspecific system requirement that has asimilar purpose. While 925.13i19(b) and (c) does not apply to the performance, flight characteristics, and structura...
weightless flight to the general public, [...] ZERO-G位于拉斯维加斯和佛罗里达州,是首家也是唯一一家经美国联邦航空局(FAA)批准的向公众、娱乐和电影行业、企业和激励市场、非盈利研究和教育部门以及政府提供失重飞行服务的公司。
ByEric Morris|Published:December 20, 2019 Recently, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced the organizations selected to help the agency in improving test administration requirements for recreational Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones aeronautical knowledge and safety test. The fede...
Subject:ELECTRONICFLIGHTDECK DISPLAYS Date:6/21/07 Initiatedby:ANM-111 ACNo:25-11A Thisadvisorycircular(AC)providesguidanceforshowingcompliancewithcertain requirementsofTitle14,CodeofFederalRegulations(CFR),part25,forthedesign,installation, integration,andapprovalofelectronicflightdeckdisplays,components,andsystems...
Flight Crewmember Duty Period Limitations, Flight Time Limitations and Rest Requirements SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to amend existing regulations to establish one set of duty period limitations, flight timelimitations, and rest requirements forflight crewmembers engaged in airtransportation. The proposal re...
allowing authorities to identify who is flying them. A physical license plate wouldn’t be much use on a small drone, so Remote ID sends license plate information via radio signals to receivers on the ground. Remote ID will provide information about drones in flight, such as the identity, lo...
So if you want permission to fly over people from 3-4 pm on a specific day, or if you’d like to do one single BVLOS flight for an inspection, you can apply for a waiver that will temporarily exempt you from the Part 107 requirements. ...
Even with a valid Medical, any pilot who cannot meet these basic requirements must disqualify himself or herself from acting as Pilot in Command or a required member of any aircrew.The FAA Medical itself is an uncomplicated physical exam that's meant to assess a pilot's health history and ...
Fee hikes. In addition to increasing the cost for subscription services at any time, USS companies could also impose fee increases for time of day, type of operation, flight location, etc. since there are no standard pricing requirements in the proposed Remote ID rule. ...