[assembly:ExportRenderer (typeof(MyMap), typeof(MyMapRenderer))] namespace b4ufly.iOS { public class MyMapRenderer : MapRenderer, MapExtension { MyMapRenderer draws the locations on the map that drone flyers need to be aware of: airports, controlled airspace, military facilities and the ...
MyMapRenderer draws the locations on the map that drone flyers need to be aware of: airports, controlled airspace, military facilities and the like. The renderer draws both icons and surrounding colored areas denoting the important airspace. These types of graphics are handled slightly differently...
The FAA working with Kittyhawk today shared upgades to B4UFLY, an app that helps drone operators ensure they're in compliance with federal law.
“Don’t spoil the game, leave your drone at home,” the agency says. Gizmodocreated a mapshowing what a 30-mile radius around the stadium looks like, calling the restriction “absurd”. It’s an area covering roughly 2,827 square miles: The FAA’s message is just a reminder, as this...
the government agencyhas releaseda new smartphone and tablet app designed specifically for US drone owners. The awkwardly named app, B4UFLY, uses location data to provide drone and other model aircraft users with FAA restriction information in an easy-to-understand package. It is available now for...