Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) 1-9 Lift and Basic Aerodynamics 2-2 Handbooks 1-10 Major Components 2-3 Advisory Circulars (ACs) 1-10 Fuselage 2-3 Flight Publications 1-11 Wings 2-3 Pilot and Aeronautical Information 1-11 Empennage 2-5 Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) 1-11 Landing Gear...
andtheAeronauticalInformationManual(AIM).TheAIMisavailableonlineat Performancestandardsfordemonstratingcompetencerequiredforpilotcertificationareprescribedintheappropri- ateairplanepracticalteststandard. ThecurrentFlightStandardsServiceairmantrainingandtestingmaterialandsubjectmatterknowledgecodesforall...
Aeronautical Information Manual thoroughly explains the types and uses of airport lighting aids. RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION (NAVAIDs) All IFR radio NAVAIDs that have been flight- checked and are operational are shown on IFR enroute charts. VHF/UHF NAVAIDs (VORs, TACANs, and UHF ...
简介 Latest upto date Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) in your pocket. Features: - Complete offline access - No need of Internet Connection nor any Printed books - Custom notes & highlighting text - Customized bookmarks & Air Print
FAR/AIM 2018: Up-to-Date FAA Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual EISBN:9781510718661 ISBN:9781510718579 出版年:2017 页数:4848 出版社:Skyhorse Publishing 语种:英语 参考价格:USD 25.99 中图ID:BK33f66af180 作者: Administration, Federal Aviation; ...
Right now we want to concentrate on how you can ensure safety while avoiding any misunderstandings that can lead to FAA penalties and/or fines. To get first hand information on this difficult subject, we contacted Sarah MacLeod, executive director of the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARS...
Publications Aeronautical publications are the sources of information for guiding aviation mechanics in the operation and maintenance of aircraft and related equipment. The proper use of these publications will greatly aid in the efficient operation and maintenance of all aircraft. These include ...
airport surveyingThe Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has made a decision to implement digital geospatial information as the basis of data collection and verification for airport surveying and aeronautical information management. The FAA's Airports GIS programme is a multi-year initiative designed ...
§ 25.1581 Airplane flight manual -- General § 25.1585 Operating procedures § 91.223 Terrain awareness and warning system § 121.354 Terrain awareness and warning system § 121.360 Ground proximity warning-glide slope deviation alerting system § 135.153 Ground proximity warning system § 135.154 Terrain...