第3部分 要求 3.1 概述与预期用途 3.1.1L-867类底座:L-867类底座被用作机场灯具的安装基座,同时也作为灯箱和接线盒。L-867类底座的设计必须能保证偶尔可以承受轻型车辆的重量,不论有没有混凝土层支撑,均能承受土壤掩埋。
airports,flight schools, pilots, operations, or maintainers. Advisory circulars can be directional, informational or descriptive. They often describe how the FAA wants things should be done
(AIM) 1-9 Lift and Basic Aerodynamics 2-2 Handbooks 1-10 Major Components 2-3 Advisory Circulars (ACs) 1-10 Fuselage 2-3 Flight Publications 1-11 Wings 2-3 Pilot and Aeronautical Information 1-11 Empennage 2-5 Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) 1-11 Landing Gear 2-6 Safety Program Airmen ...
In addition to understanding FAA Advisory Circulars AC 91-60 and AC 91-56, familiarity with GAMA Specification No.2, Manufacturers Maintenance Data and Air Transport Association of America Specification No.100, Specification for Manufacturers Technical Data, will aid in the preparation of a CAP for...
originals and traceable to the initiators.3. An original signed and detailed statement from the owner or operator of a US registered aircraft substantiating the need for the A&P certificate. The employer must also list the specific type of maintenance performed, and duration of employment.Please ...
NOTE: ACs may be obtained by choosing “Advisory Circulars” at the following FAA public Web site: e. Controlled Flight into Terrain Education and Training Aid (Flight Safety Foundation, ICAO, and Federal Aviation Administration)
2005 table of contents chapter 1. scope and classification.1 1.1 scope.1 1.2 classification.1 1.2.1 types.1 1.2.2 classes.1 1.2.3 styles.1 1.2.4 standard ratings.1 chapter 2. referenced documents.3 2.1 general.3 2.2 faa advisory circulars.3 2.3 faa standards.3 2.4 code of federal regu...
0 文档热度: 文档分类: 行业资料--航空/航天 文档标签: InstalledSystemsFlightcrewAC 系统标签: flightcrewinstalledequipmentusesystemscompliance U.S.DepartmentofTransportationFederalAviationAdministrationAdvisoryCircularSubject:InstalledSystemsandEquipmentforUsebytheFlightcrewDate:5/3/2013InitiatedBy:ANM-111ACNo:25.130...
“game of bring me a rock” where companies get “stuck in an endless back and forth process as they discuss means of compliance approval without guidance on what the FAA is actually looking for.” Many of the Advisory Circulars or ACs that are supposed to provide guidance “are...