The inspector should advise the applicant to review and understand the current edition of Advisory Circular (AC) 187-1, Flight Standards Service Schedule of Charges Outside the United States. 3. The IFO manager, or the authorized designee, must evaluate the complexity of the proposed operation....
Deportmmr olTronsportotion Federal Aviation Administration - Advisory Circular Subject: SYSTEM DESIGN AND ANALYSlS Dntc: G/21/88 ACNo: 25.1309-1A Initiated by: ANN- 110 CJWF 1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) describes various acceptable means for showing compliance with the requirements of...
正常来讲,FAA颁布的文件一般有Policy、AC(Advisory Circular)、AD(Airworthiness Directive)、TFR(Temporary Flight Restriction)、Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs)、NPRM、Notice、Order。 Policy: 一般作为AC、法规、Order的解释性、补充性文件,是指导用户如何符合法规的指南和可接受的程序。Policy不要求强制执行,一般是以...
飞机签派员实际测试FAA S 8081 10d change1.pdf,FAA-S-8081-10D U.S. Department (with Change 1) of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Dispatcher Practical Test Standards May 2013 (effective August 1, 2013) Flight Standards Service Washin
AC or A/C Aircraft ADZY Advisory AMASS AMASS is a software enhancement to the Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model 3 (ASDE-3), that provides controllers with aural and visual alerts to potential collisions on the runway. It processes data from the ASDE-3 and Automated Radar Terminal...
been ut i l i sed subsequent to the subscr ipt ion as set out under the section “Use of Proceeds” of the Company’s c i rcular dated 18 August 2015 ( the “Circular”) and subsequent adjustment in use of proceeds as set out in the announcement of the Company dated 18 October ...
2.CANCELLATION.AdvisoryCircular20-130,AirworthinessApprovalofMulti-Sensor NavigationSystemsforuseintheU.S.NationalAirspaceSystem(NAS)andAlaska,dated September12,1988,iscanceled. 3RELATEDFEDERALAVIATIONREGULATIONS.14CFRparts21,23,25,27,29, 43,91,121,and135. 4.RELATEDREADINGMATERIALS. a.FederalAviation...
运输类飞机客舱内部设施坠撞安全性AC 系统标签: airplanecabininteriorstransporthandbook客舱 Subject:TRANSPORTAIRPLANE CABININTERIORS CRASHWORTHINESSHANDBOOK Date:05/18/09 InitiatedBy:ANM-110 ACNo:25-17A Change: l.PURPOSE.ThisAdvisoryCircular(AC)providesacceptablecertificationmethods,butnot necessarilytheonlyacceptable...